Wednesday, 29. November 2023 [09:30 - 11:30]

The workshop is addressed to first stage researchers (before dissertation and with completed master's degree) who are interested in going abroad.


Motivation to go abroad and to participate in international mobility programmes
Learn about funding options for your planned stay abroad
Learn about networking opportunities


How can BOKU-International Relations support first stage researchers and doctoral candidates in planning their stay abroad within the framework of mobility funding programs?
What are advantages of a stay abroad? What are the possible challenges?
Presentation of different mobility programs and funding opportunities offered by BOKU-International Relations for first stage researchers and doctoral candidates
Insight into stays abroad of young researchers


Presentation, Reports from testimonials, Questions & Answers

Group size: max. 30 participants

The workshop will take place online via ZOOM.

Nicolas Fries M.A.
Staff member of BOKU-International Relations

Mag.a Gudrun Reisinger M.A.
Staff member of BOKU-International Relations

Info for registration

Registration only via  BOKU online (Login is necessary) --> Services --> BOKU's-Trainingpassport/Trainings

The participation is free of charge.
Please note our terms and conditions.