Lehrveranstaltungen BOKU-StartDepartment für Agrarbiotechnologie, IFA-TullnLehrveranstaltungen Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: https://boku.ac.at/ifa-tulln/lehrveranstaltungen https://short.boku.ac.at/e6zm5p LVA-Nummer Titel ECTS LVA-Nummer TYP ECTS Titel Wintersemester 2024/25 970004 VS Scientific writing in life sciences (in Eng.) 1 970004 VS 1 Scientific writing in life sciences (in Eng.) 970012 VO Assessment of exposure to (bio-)chemical contaminants in foods (in Eng.) 2 970012 VO 2 Assessment of exposure to (bio-)chemical contaminants in foods (in Eng.) 970013 SE (Bio-) Analytical Seminar (in Eng.) 2 970013 SE 2 (Bio-) Analytical Seminar (in Eng.) 970022 VS Challenges and opportunities in biotoxin research in the light of a changing climate (in Eng.) 7 970022 VS 7 Challenges and opportunities in biotoxin research in the light of a changing climate (in Eng.) 970023 SE Intellectual property rights (in Eng.) 1 970023 SE 1 Intellectual property rights (in Eng.) 970100 SE Bachelorseminar 12 970100 SE 12 Bachelorseminar 970300 SE Masterseminar (in Eng.) 2 970300 SE 2 Masterseminar (in Eng.) 970302 PR Naturstofftechnologien und Eigenschaften 4 970302 PR 4 Naturstofftechnologien und Eigenschaften 970304 VO Biobased and biodegradable plastics (in Eng.) 2 970304 VO 2 Biobased and biodegradable plastics (in Eng.) 970307 VO Mikrobiologie 2 970307 VO 2 Mikrobiologie 970308 VO Biorefinery and products from renewable resources (in Eng.) 2 970308 VO 2 Biorefinery and products from renewable resources (in Eng.) 970311 VU Experimental design and analysis of field and laboratory trials (in Eng.) 3 970311 VU 3 Experimental design and analysis of field and laboratory trials (in Eng.) 970312 VU Quantitative genetics for plant breeders (in Eng.) 3 970312 VU 3 Quantitative genetics for plant breeders (in Eng.) 970314 VO Environmental bioprocess engineering (in Eng.) 4 970314 VO 4 Environmental bioprocess engineering (in Eng.) 970400 SE Dissertantenseminar (in Eng.) 2 970400 SE 2 Dissertantenseminar (in Eng.) 970402 SE Bio-Resources and Technologies (in Eng.) 2 970402 SE 2 Bio-Resources and Technologies (in Eng.) 970403 UE Biorefinery journal club ABC&M (in Eng.) 1 970403 UE 1 Biorefinery journal club ABC&M (in Eng.) 976101 VO Futtermittelkunde 3 976101 VO 3 Futtermittelkunde 976104 VO Tierernährung 3 976104 VO 3 Tierernährung 976109 VO Einführung in die Ernährungswissenschaften 2 976109 VO 2 Einführung in die Ernährungswissenschaften 976300 VO Human nutrition (in Eng.) 3 976300 VO 3 Human nutrition (in Eng.) 976303 VO Spezielle Wiederkäuer - Ernährung 3 976303 VO 3 Spezielle Wiederkäuer - Ernährung 976304 VO Spezielle Monogastriden - Ernährung 3 976304 VO 3 Spezielle Monogastriden - Ernährung 976305 VO Heimtierernährung 3 976305 VO 3 Heimtierernährung 976317 UE Praktikum zur Tierernährung 5 976317 UE 5 Praktikum zur Tierernährung 976319 VO Qualität tierischer Lebensmittel 2 976319 VO 2 Qualität tierischer Lebensmittel 976320 UE Qualität tierischer Lebensmittel - Übungen 2 976320 UE 2 Qualität tierischer Lebensmittel - Übungen Sommersemester 2025 970050 UE Entwicklung von immunchemischen Schnelltests für die Lebensmittelanalytik (in Eng.) 3 970050 UE 3 Entwicklung von immunchemischen Schnelltests für die Lebensmittelanalytik (in Eng.) 970300 SE Masterseminar (in Eng.) 2 970300 SE 2 Masterseminar (in Eng.) 970301 VU Analysis of bio-hazards in foods (in Eng.) 3 970301 VU 3 Analysis of bio-hazards in foods (in Eng.) 970305 VO Biotechnology for sustainable processes and environmental protection (in Eng.) 4 970305 VO 4 Biotechnology for sustainable processes and environmental protection (in Eng.) 970306 UE Methods in environmental biotechnology (in Eng.) 3 970306 UE 3 Methods in environmental biotechnology (in Eng.) 970309 SE Seminar in environmental biotechnology (in Eng.) 2 970309 SE 2 Seminar in environmental biotechnology (in Eng.) 970313 VU Plant metabolomics (in Eng.) 5 970313 VU 5 Plant metabolomics (in Eng.) 970315 VS Resource efficiency and bioeconomy of bio-based materials (in Eng.) 3 970315 VS 3 Resource efficiency and bioeconomy of bio-based materials (in Eng.) 970400 SE Dissertantenseminar (in Eng.) 2 970400 SE 2 Dissertantenseminar (in Eng.) 970406 SE Annual retreat AgriGenomics (in Eng.) 2 970406 SE 2 Annual retreat AgriGenomics (in Eng.) 976102 VX Milchwirtschaft 3 976102 VX 3 Milchwirtschaft 976103 VO Technologie tierischer Lebensmittel 2 976103 VO 2 Technologie tierischer Lebensmittel 976301 VS Production of primary food of animal origin (in Eng.) 3 976301 VS 3 Production of primary food of animal origin (in Eng.) 976306 VO Spezielle Tierernährung 6 976306 VO 6 Spezielle Tierernährung 976310 VO Metabolism and digestion physiology (in Eng.) 3 976310 VO 3 Metabolism and digestion physiology (in Eng.) 976311 VO Ernährungsphysiologie 3 976311 VO 3 Ernährungsphysiologie 976316 VO Spezielle Futtermittelkunde und -technologie 3 976316 VO 3 Spezielle Futtermittelkunde und -technologie 976317 UE Praktikum zur Tierernährung 5 976317 UE 5 Praktikum zur Tierernährung 976318 VO Technologie der Fleischverarbeitung 2 976318 VO 2 Technologie der Fleischverarbeitung 976320 UE Qualität tierischer Lebensmittel - Übungen 2 976320 UE 2 Qualität tierischer Lebensmittel - Übungen 976321 VS Food safety in livestock feeding (in Eng.) 3 976321 VS 3 Food safety in livestock feeding (in Eng.)