Temporary discussion groups, that meet regularly to plan events and to write papers.

Working group Bioeconomy

How to ensure a sustainable Bioeconomy? The working group Bioeconomy of the Ethics platform has created a document that shall raise awareness and offer orientation. This paper, which be constantly refined and optimized to meet as many requirements as possible, has been developed on the basis of experience at BOKU, lectures and discussions.


Working group Genome Editing

Is Genome Editing – from an ethical point of view – just the same as the methods in gene technology which have been discussed extensively in the past? Or are there new additional ethical questions arising? What would they be?  A working group of the ethics platform addresses these issues since April, 2018.


Working group Teaching

In 2016, the members of the Ethics platform have been questioned about the needs in teaching ethics. As a consequence, the “Working group Teaching” was formed. It meets several times every functional period and picks up issues of relevance to teaching according to the questionnaire. Credits can be awarded in the respective events.

Training courses:

Verantwortung in der Lehre

Bioökonomie im Lichte der Diskursethik

Working group Dual Use

The Ethics platform dealt with the issue “Dual Use” as suggested by the University Council and the Rectorate. As a consequence, the “Discussion document and statement of the BOKU-Ethics platform addressing project funding by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)” has been created.

