Issue 9  (Special edition)

of the COST Action E44 Conference 

Board Spectrum Utilisation of Wood

25 articles
210 pages (size A4)

Text and Summaries: in English language

Year of publication: 2005


Primary Wood Conversion Processes Tree Quality leads to processing trees using saw milling for timber, chipping into particles and peeling or slicing trees into veneer. Decision on selecting one of these options in respect of further processing is both related to the forest resource itself and the end products envisaged. Quality of raw materials is defining the possibilities and profitability for further processing.

Integrated Processing of Forest Products Integrated processing of forest products can use different strategies to combine primary wood conversion processing. These combinations are based on sorting and grading of logs and sawn timber but also as innovative options for secondary processing of a primary processing product.

Mixed Stand and Mixed Species Processing New forest strategy approaches will lead to more mixed stands in the future. New options for the utilization of mixed stand and even mixed species processing will become essential.

Processing in Relation to Tree Dimensions and Partitioning of Trees Processing of small diameter logs into sawn timber components is an important topic for future economics of whole stem processing. This will also have to deal with problems induced by the presence of juvenile wood, spiral grain, reaction wood, ... Large dimension trees will deed new options for processing or as part of it and even the total tree use strategic factors in the broad spectrum utilization of wood. Downloads

Preface - LIGNOVISIONEN Issue 9
Alfred Teischinger

Introduction - LIGNOVISIONEN Issue 9
Joris Van Acker

Co-operation with COST

Abstracts - Session 1: Tree quality and processing

Abstracts - Session 2: Economic and consumer parameter

Abstracts - Session 3: Species and applications

Abstracts - Poster Session Links

COST - European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research

COST Action E44 - Wood Processing Strategy