Selected publications for download

Media contributions

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
Die Verleugnung und Verharmlosung von Fakten ist tödlich
Der Standard, Dezember 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
Crashkurs Klimakrise: Das Wichtigste kurz erklärt
Video von Fridays for Future Austria, September 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
Denkfehler zur großen Erhitzung: Ein Forscher klärt die größten Klimamythen auf
Salzburger Nachrichten, September 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
Parallelen zwischen der Corona- und der Klimakrise
Wien Energie, April 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
Warum ein Preis für CO2 umstritten aber notwendig ist
Der Standard, Februar 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
CO2 bepreisen, aber wie? Drei Optionen
Der Standard, Februar 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
Warum sich der Klima-Kampf in Europa entscheidet
Salzburger Nachrichten, Februar 2020

Reinhard Steurer (2020)
CO2 einen Preis geben
Podcast "Hör mal wer die Welt verändert" Januar 2020

ReinhardSteurer & Sarah Louise Nash (2019) Das zahnlose Klimaschutzgesetz novellieren! Vorschläge für ein neues Rahmengesetz, das die Weichen für eine klimapolitische Wende in Österreich stellen könnte Der Standard, November 2019

Sarah Louise Nash & Reinhard Steurer (2019) Der Nationalrat und die Klimakrise: Stell Dir vor es ist Klimanotstand - und wir machen weiter wie bisher Der Standard, September 2019

Reinhard Steurer (2019)
Zehn Mythen der Klimapolitik
FALTER 39/19 -, 24.09.2019,

Climate policy: mitigation

Reinhard Steurer, Christoph Clar & Juan Casado-Asensio (2019)
Climate change mitigation in Austria and Switzerland: The pitfalls of federalism in greening decentralized building policies
Natural Resources Forum

Reinhard Steurer & Christoph Clar (2015)
Is decentralisation always good for climate change mitigation? How federalism has complicated the greening of builing policies in Austria
Policy Sciences, 48: 85-107

Reinhard Steurer (1999)
Klimaschutzpolitik in Österreich - Bilanz der 1990er Jahre und Ausblick
SWS-Rundschau (39.Jg.), Heft 3/1999, S.197-219

Reinhard Steurer (1999)
Schwierigkeiten der Klimaschutzpolitik.
Eine österreichische Fallstudie zur Psychologie der Umweltpolitik
IPG Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft 4/1999, S.414-429

Climate policy: adaptation

Christoph Clar & Reinhard Steurer (2019)
Climate change adaptation at different levels of government: Characteristics and conditions of policy change
Natural Resources Forum 43: 121-131

Sustainable development and economic growth

Reinhard Steurer (2013)
Disentangling governance: A synoptic view of regulation by government, business and civil society
Policy Sciences, 46: 387-410

Reinhard Steurer (2012)
The governance of sustainable development:
Putting the pieces of regulation together
Habilitation Thesis submitted by Reinhard Steurer

Reinhard Steurer (2010)
Die Wachstumskontroverse als Endlosschleife: Themen und Paradigmen im Rückblick
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 4/2010, S.423ff

Reinhard Steurer (2006)
Soft, softer, am softesten
Die CSR-Politik der Europäischen Kommission verliert an Biss
ÖkologischesWirtschaften 4/2006, S.8-10

Reinhard Steurer (2004)
Politische Manifestationen einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung:
Die Wachstumskontroverse im Spiegel der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Umweltpolitik
ZfU 3/2004, S.349-390

Reinhard Steurer (2001)
Der Wachstumsdiskurs in Wissenschaft und Politik:
Von der Wachstumseuphorie über 'Grenzen des Wachstums' zur Nachhaltigkeit
Dissertation Universität Salzburg

Reinhard Steurer (2001)
Paradigmen der Nachhaltigkeit
Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht 4/2001, S.537-566

Discussion Papers of Reinhard Steurer

Climate policy: mitigation

Reinhard Steurer, Christoph Clar & Juan Casado-Asensio (3/2019)
Climate change mitigation in Austria and Switzerland: The pitfalls of federalism in greening decentralized building policies

Reinhard Steurer & Christoph Clar (1/2018)
The ambiguity of federalism in climate policy-making: how the political system in Austria hinders mitigation and facilitates adaptation

Juan Casado-Asensio & Reinhard Steurer (1/2016)
Mitigation climate change in a federal country committed to the Kyoto Protocol - How Swiss federalism further complicated an already complex challenge

Reinhard Steurer & Christoph Clar (4/2015)
Is decentralisation always good for climate change mitigation? How federalism has complicated the greening of building policies in Austria

Juan Casado-Asensio & Reinhard Steurer (3/2015)
"Bookkeeping" rather than climate policymaking: National mitigation strategies in Western Europe

Reinhard Steurer & Christoph Clar (5/2014)
Politikintegration in einem föderalen Staat: Klimaschutz im Gebäudesektor auf Österreichisch

Sarah Louise Nash & Reinhard Steurer (1/2019)
Taking stock of Climate Change Acts in Europe:
living policy processes or symbolic gestures?

Climate policy: adaptation

Christoph Clar & Reinhard Steurer (4/2019)
Climate change adaptation at different levels of government: Characteristics and conditions of policy change

Ralf Nordbeck, Reinhard Steurer & Lukas Löschner (2/2019)
The future orientation of Austria's flood policies: from flood control to anticipatory flood risk management

Christoph Clar & Reinhard Steurer (1/2017)
Erfolgsfaktoren von politischen Prozessen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel auf verschiedenen räumlichen Ebenen

Lukas Löschner, Ralf Nordbeck, Michael Pregernig & Reinhard Steurer (2/2016)
Flood Risk Governance and Climate Change Adaptation: an analytical framework

Anja Bauer & Reinhard Steurer (2/2015)
National adaptation strategies, what else? Comparing adaptation mainstreaming in German and dutch water management

Christoph Clar & Reinhard Steurer (7/2014)
Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change in a federal state setting: Policy changes in flood protection and tourism promotion in Austria?

Anja Bauer & Reinhard Steurer (4/2014)
Innovation in climate adaptation policy: are regional partnerships catalysts or talking shops?

Anja Bauer & Reinhard Steurer (1/2014)
Multi-level governance of climate change adaptation: The role of regional partnerships in Canada and England

Anja Bauer, Judith Feichtinger and Reinhard Steurer (1/2011)
The governance of climate change adaptation in ten OECD countries: Challenges and approaches

Sustainable development and economic growth

James Meadowcroft & Reinhard Steurer (2/2018)
Assessment Practices in the Policy and Politics Cycles: A Contribution to Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development?

Ralf Nordbeck & Reinhard Steurer (5/2015)
Integrated multi-sectoral strategies as dead ends of policy coordination: Lessons to be learned from sustainable development

James Meadowcroft & Reinhard Steurer (6/2014)
Assessment practices in the policy and politics cycles: a contribution to reflexive governance for sustainable development?

Juan Casado-Asensio & Reinhard Steurer (3/2014)
Integrated strategies on sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation in Western Europe: communication rather than coordination

Reinhard Steurer (3/2013)
Disentangling governance: A synoptic view of regulation by government, business, and civil society

Reinhard Steurer, S. Margula & A. Martinuzzi (2/2012)
Public policies on CSR in Europe: Themes, instruments, and regional differences

Reinhard Steurer (4/2011)
The renewed EU SDS: policies, governance, actors and political relevance

Reinhard Steurer (3/2011)
Soft Instruments, Few Networks: How 'New Governance' Materialises in Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe

Reinhard Steurer und Gerald Berger (2/2011)
The EU's double-track pursuit of sustainable development in the 2000s: How Lisbon and sustainable development strategies ran past each other

Reinhard Steurer and Gerald Berger (4/2010)
Horizontal Policy Integration: Concepts, administrative barriers and selected practices

Reinhard Steurer & Astrid Konrad (3/2010)
Business-society relations in Central-Eastern and Western Europe: How those who lead in sustainability reporting bridge the gap in corporate (social) responsibility

Reinhard Steurer (2/2010)
The Role of Governments in Corporate Social Responsibility: Characterising Public Policies on CSR in Europe

Reinhard Steurer & Gerald Berger (1/2010)
The Lisbon Strategy and sustainable development strategies across Europe: How different governance arrangements shape the European coherence of policy documents

Reinhard Steurer & Michael Tiroch (2/2009)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Österreich: Wie substanziell ist der freiwillige Beitrag der Wirtschaft zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung?

Reinhard Steurer (1/2009)
Sustainable development as governance reform agenda: An aggregation of distinguished challenges for policy-making

Reinhard Steurer (1/2007)
From Government Strategies to Strategic Public Management: An Exploratory Outlook on the Pursuit of Cross-Sectoral Policy Integration

Reinhard Steurer (1/2006)
Mapping Stakeholder Theory Anew: From the Stakeholder Theory of the Firm to Three Perspectives on Business-Society Relations

Reinhard Steurer and André Martinuzzi (1/2005)
Towards a new pattern of strategy formation in the public sector: First experiences with National Strategies for Sustainable Development in Europe