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Eine Sammlung von Vorträgen in Veranstaltungen der Ethikplattform finden Sie hier.


    Projektsupport des Forschungsservice zu ethischen Aspekten in Forschungsanträgen

      Werkzeuge für die Analyse ethischer Aspekte in Forschung und Lehre

      Ethical_Matrix 2005 The Ethical Matrix is a versatile tool for analysing ethical issues. It was devided by Ben Mepham, Director of the Centre for Applied Bioethics at the University of Nottingham and member of the Food Ethics Council.

      Ethische Evaluierung - MEESTAR 2013

      Dieses Modell zur ethischen Evaluierung sozio-technischer Arrangements wurde von A. Manzeschke, k. Weber, E. Rother und H. Fangerau am Beispiel altersgerechter Assistenzsysteme entwickelt und ist auf andere Forschungsbereiche übertragbar.

      Biomedizinische Eingriffe am Menschen – Ein Stufenmodell zur ethischen Bewertung von Gen- und Zelltherapie, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 2009. Autoren sind J. Hacker, T. Rendtorft, P. Cramer, M. Hallek, K. Hilpert, Chr. Kupatt, M. Lohse, A. Müller, U. Schroth, F. Voigt und M. Zichy. Mehr Info über ethikplattform(at)

      Developing Framework RRI 2013

      This paper presents a framework for understanding and supporting efforts aimed at "responsible innovation" using the example of geoengineering. Four integrated dimensions are: anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion, responsiveness. The paper has been published by J. Stilgoe, R. Owen and Ph. Macnaghten.

      Nanotechnologies, Ethics and Politics 2007

      This volume of an Ethics Series edited by the UNESCO has been published in 2007. It brings together fourteen experts from around the globe – advisors to the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) – who discuss the state of the art of nanotechnology, examine the controversy surrounding its definition and explore related ethical and political issues. Their aim is to stimulate a fruitful interdisciplinary dialogue about nanoscale technologies among scientists, ethicists, policy-makers, special interest groups and the general public.