Development of susceptibility models for climate change relevant biotic disturbance agents and fire

Development of susceptibility models for climate change relevant biotic disturbance agents and fire

- Bark beetle:
A model for spatial and temporal simulation of the seasonal development of Ips schmutzenhoferi is developed. Combined with a Predisposition Assessment System (PAS) the model can be used to identify vulnerable areas of forest stands and sites both in space and time under current and future climate change conditions.

- Fire:
Historical fire activity (e.g. soil charcoal stratigraphy, area-based return interval reconstructions in unlogged natural areas, historic records, etc.) is analysed in relationship to climate variability and drought data (e.g. Palmer Drought Severity Index). Adaptive strategies are developed to minimize and mitigate fire risks.

PhD and Master´s Theses connected with this work package

Kaka Tshering, PhD
Susceptibility models for climate change relevant biotic disturbance agents - Monitoring and risk assessment of Ips schmutzenhoferi (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in Bhutan



Choki Gyeltshen, MSc
Fire Risks in Blue Pine Forests of Bhutan



Chimi Tshering, MSc
Preference of the East Himalayan Bark Beetle, Ips schmutzenhoferi, (Col.,Scolytinae) for Mistletoe-Infected and Non-Infected Blue Pine (Pinus wallichiana) and Spruce Trees (Picea spinulosa) in the Coniferous Forests of Western Bhutan
