Construction logistics and urban development

Construction logistics and urban development

Guest lecture by Prof. Anna Fredriksson, Linköping University

14:00 ‐ 15:00

  • Vortrag

Guest lecturer Prof. Anna Fredriksson from Linköping University, Sweden, will provide interesting insights on the impact of construction logistics on urban development as well as how the urban planning process creates prerequisites for efficient and effective construction logistics.

The construction industry is in great need of improving their logistics to increase their productivity and decrease their environmental impact and disturbances on the society in vicinity of projects. Though, researching this subject it is important to both consider the impact of construction logistics on the urban development as well as how the urban planning process creates prerequisites for efficient and effective construction logistics. Furthermore, one of the most impacting material flows within construction is earth and rock masses, where improved logistics can help to decrease emissions and improve circularity. Also, the importance of data to improve construction logistics should not be forgotten as construction industry is among the least digitalized industries. Within these areas Anna Fredriksson has been part of and running a number of different research projects. She will share her expertise during her stay in Vienna at the BOKU University as part of the Construction Logistics Course (#734010) and hold this guest lecture as a public event.

Oskar-Simony-House, Peter-Jordan-Straße 65, 1180 Wien, SIMH-DG/04
Institut für Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik
Anmeldung erforderlich
Sprache: Englisch
Öffentlich: Ja
Kostenpflichtig: Nein