Who is feeding the world?
The annual Klimaherbst in Munich organized by the organization Klimaherbst and the Nord-Süd-Forum Munich was all about food. Questions such as
- What interactions are there between agriculture, climate change and global justice?
- How come our current food system ich characterized by deficiencies on the one hand and affluence on the other?
- How can we achieve food justice?
As a kick-off to the two-day event, Stefanie Lemke held a keynote speech about gender equity and participation for sustainable food systems.
Subsequently there was a discussion with representatives from Fian Germany, the Munich Food Council and MISEREOR on how a fair global food system can be achieved.
The speeches and discussion were recorded and can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpgO1Gv5fno
Photo Credits: Nord Südforum München e.V.