Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

  • Mountain scenery in Austria


The Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity combines aspects of basic and applied research on the sustainable use of natural resources. 

It brings together the expertise of forest sciences and ecosystem analysis along with climate and biodiversity research, thus achieving a level of research competence that is unique in Austria: it encompasses the systems of soil, forest, agricultural and open land, atmosphere, and water while including the microorganisms, plants and animals living in them. 

Our aim is to gain, synthesize, and transfer knowledge regarding the conservation and sustainable use of these systems for the benefit of future generations. The department thus makes an important contribution in fields of expertise relevant to social transformation in order to meet the challenges of global change. An interdisciplinary perspective is developed alongside demands for natural resources and concepts of ecosystem management, nature conservation, and geodata management. 

The department fulfills the special requirements for research and teaching in order to develop concepts and solutions for the climate and biodiversity crises and the associated social mission.

Management and Administration

Addresses & Contact

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Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management

IHG - Hydrobiologie & Gewässermanagement
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33/DG
1180 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 47654 81200
Fax: +43 1 47654 2981209

So finden Sie uns: Gregor-Mendel-Haus/Liebig Trakt Dachgeschoss, direkt neben dem Rektorat.


Institute of Meteorology and Climatology

Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
1180 Wien

Tel.: (01) 47654 81400
Fax: (01) 47654 81409

Genaue Adresse: Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33/2.OG/27-28 (Liebighaus: hinterer, parkseitiger Trakt des Mendelhauses)
