Locations and Orientation

General overview
All BOKU buildings and their addresses, phone numbers and maps.
Postal address
Universitaet für Bodenkultur
Gregor Mendel Strasse 33
A-1180 Wien
Austria Phone: +43-1-47654-0
Within the main building, you can reach the phone switchboard by dialling 111.
Locations and buildings
Here you find the addresses and phone numbers of all BOKU buildings at each of the BOKU locations:
Floors and rooms
In the BOKUonline system, with the application "Rooms" on the business card of the BOKU university, you can get the floor maps with all rooms of each BOKU building. You can also use the BOKUonline system to search for all rooms in all locations and buildings by using "Rooms" submenu in the "Search" menu.