H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung

Award for the best study achievements in the field of animal nutrition

Every year, the H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung recognizes the best academic achievements in the field of animal nutrition in the German-speaking countries.

For the year 2024, DI Regina Anna Katharina Fuchs has received this award for her master's thesis with the topic

"Bestimmung der in vitro UDP-Verdaulichkeit im Dünndarm (sidP) von Rotklee bei verschiedenen Trocknungstemperaturen"

The prize was ceremoniously awarded by her supervisor Prof. Martin Gierus during the BOKU Symposium Tierernährung 2025.

The Institute of Animal Nutrition, Livestock Products and Nutrition Physiology congratulates the award winner and thanks the H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung for the award!


r.t.l. DI Regina Anna Katharina Fuchs BOKU, Martin Gierus, Univ.Prof. Dr.agr. BOKU, 
