Specialist area library of the study landscape planning and landscape architecture
Contact: Vanessa Zeplichal vanessa.zeplichal(at)boku.ac.at Address
Oscar-Simony-Haus, ground floor
Peter-Jordan-Straße 65, A-1180 Vienna
(mail address: Peter Jordan-Str.82, A-1190 Vienna)
phone.: ++43 1 47654 - 7240
fax: ++43 1 47654 - 7209 Website Specialist area library
Library of the Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction
Contact: Friederike Hintermüller
phone: ++43 1 47654-87400
iblb@boku.ac.at Address:
Schwackhöfer-Haus, 3.floor
Peter Jordan-Straße 82
A-1190 Vienna
Library of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Wilhelm Exner Haus
Peter Jordan Straße 82
A-1190 Vienna
phone: +43 1 47654 - 2060 Website Library of the University Opening Hours