"Participatory tools for assessing breeding objectives of crop farmers and livestock keepers in Ghana and Ethiopia"
The key aim of this Africa-UniNet project is to enhance active collaboration of plant and animal breeders from Ethiopia, Ghana and Austria. Using participatory research tools, male and female farmers both planting sorghum and keeping cattle in mixed crop-livestock production systems in Ethiopia and Ghana are being questioned about their trait preferences in both commodities. The plant and animal breeding experts as well as gender experts of University of Ghana, Mekelle University, Tigray, Ethiopia and BOKU closely collaborate at all steps of design, data collection and analysis, improving intercultural as well as intersectoral communication.
Lecturers: Prof. Johann Sölkner & Prof. Hermann Bürstmayr
(Photo: copyright Ingeborg Sperl - "Farmers selecting best young bulls of their village for breeding" Burkina Faso)