Institute of Computational Biology
At the Institute of Computational Biology (ICB), new technologies for genome sequencing and genome assembly are applied and/or developed. Large-scale data analysis is performed to gain understanding of genome evolution and gene function, in particular in the field of crop plant genomics. Machine learning and Bayesian statistics is used for probabilistic modeling and prediction in different areas of the life sciences. The ICB maintains a dedicated high-performance computing cluster comprising seven nodes with 192 CPU cores and up to 1024 Gigabytes of RAM. As additional computational resource, the ICB has access to the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) maintained at Technical University of Vienna. Most of the research conducted at ICB is computational; a laboratory is available for sample preparation for DNA/RNA sequencing. A nanopore sequencing device is in use for single-molecule long-read sequencing. Visit us at
Management and Administration
Addresses & Contact
Institute of Computational Biology
Institut für Computergestützte Biologie
Muthgasse 18
1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 47654 79002
Fax: +43 1 47654 79009