Survey confirms the attractiveness of the EcoVeloTour SMART bike rest places concept
Survey confirms the attractiveness of the EcoVeloTour SMART bike rest places concept
In the winter semester 2020-2021 students of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna worked on various issues related to eco- and bicycle tourism as part of their bachelor thesis. One of them, Katharina Graus, chose the topic "Increasing the attractiveness of bicycle-based tourism for young people" for her work.
The aim of the work was to identify factors which could increase the attractiveness of bicycle tourism for younger age cohorts. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted with the target group of young people between 14 and 30 years. The sample of the survey consists of 173 valid questionnaires. The average age of the respondents is 24 years. About 67 per cent of the survey participants are female, about 31 per cent male and about 2 per cent do not want to be classified.
A key finding of the survey is that bicycle-based tourism has a positive image among the young people surveyed. One of the questions asked was about the attractiveness of the concept for modular, self-sufficient, container-based accommodation for cyclists developed by our Serbian partner Danube Competence Center (see Study on SMART bikd rest places concept development). The test persons were shown a rendering of a SMART rest place, the attractiveness of which was to be rated on a five-point scale. The result reveals a very positive picture. Around 41 and 43 per cent of the respondents find the concept very attractive or attractive. On the other hand only around 11 and 1 per cent find it less attractive or not attractive at all.
The EcoVeloTour project is co-financed by funds of the European Union (ERDF, IPA).