March 2025 saw the kick-off of our research project SARA - Safe cycling at any age, funded by the Austrian Road Safety Fund VSF. The project is led by sicher unterwegs . The project partners are the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and nast consulting ZT GmbH.

What do we want to do?

The aim of the project is to record the skills and knowledge of cyclists of different age groups with regard to safe participation in road traffic. Cycling skills are to be systematically investigated using multi-method (psychological, technical, pedagogical and medical) survey instruments. The planned study pursues an interdisciplinary approach in order to holistically record the strengths and weaknesses profiles of different age groups with regard to their cycling skills. The results will help to develop targeted age- and gender-specific measures to improve cycling skills at the training and awareness level as well as on the infrastructure side, thus contributing to the reduction of cycling accidents.

We are looking forward to it.