Alumni (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jose-Luis Toca-Herrera)
An important part of our mission is to train and educate future professionals and academics. Starting in 2004, we have already achieved some of these goals. Many of our alumni hold currently positions of responsibility in different areas of the public and private sectors.
Among them we can highlight:
Mihaela Delcea (Professor at University of Greifwald, Germany), Johan Faccelo Osma (Assoc. Prof. at Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia), Veronica Saravia (Assoc. Professor at Universidad de la República de Uruguay), Sudarat Tharad (Senior Lecturer, Burapha University, Thailand), Jagoba Iturri (Senior Researcher at Cidetec, Spain), Andreas Weber (postdoc at University College London, EU grant), Juan Carlos Gil-Redondo (postdoc at Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa) , Batirtze Prats Mateu (Senior Researcher, MERCK, Austria), Aitziber Eleta (Senior technician at NanoGUNE, Spain), Pavla Dohanyosova (Researcher at Ramem, Spain), Alberto Moreno Cencerrado (Microscopy Technician at Biozentrum-Uni Wien), Griselda De Marco (Bioinformatics service at FISABIO, Spain), Susana Moreno-Flores (Academic Affairs at IST Austria), Paula Pescador (Head of Regulatory Affairs at c-LEcta, Germany), Elham Ghorbani Gorji (Technologist at iSi Culinary GmbH, Austria), Daniel Wastl (Project leader application at MueTec GmbH, Germany), Michael Schoedelbauer (Quality Assurance QA Specialist bei Takeda), Michael Pieler (Research scientist at Stability AI, Austria), Eline de Meyer (Plant manager at Air Liquid, Belgium), Tajda Knafelj (Process expert at Novartis, Slovenia), Violetta Golebiewska (Software engineer at Inveox, Poland), Öykü Üzulmez (Postdoc at BOKU).
Researchers/Technicians/ Students (the date indicates when work was finished)
2023 Hannah Blaschka (apprentice/Lehrling)
2022 Lola Schwager (student internship, HBLVA)
2022 Jasmina Kadhim (student internship, HBLVA)
2022 Marlene Zaussinger (student internship, HBLVA)
2021 Victoria Beneder (student)
2021 Tobias Eder (student)
2020 Ulrich Fuchs (student)
2019 Dr. Itziar Otazo (laboratory technician)
2018 Iris Strube (apprentice/Lehrling)
2017 Öyku Üzulmez (researcher)
2017 Claudia König (apprentice/Lehrling)
2012 Nadja Krska (Talente student)
2010 Sergio Martin (laboratory technician)
2009 Aitor Manteca (student)
2009 Leticia Escalante Martinez de Murguía (student)
Bachelor/Diploma/Master students (the date indicates when work was finished)
2024 Lidija Pejak (MSc-CEEPUS student, University of Mostar)
2024 Marin Milićević MSc-CEEPUS student, University of Mostar)
2023 Wintana Reichenvater (BSc Student)
2023 Sophia Maria Reisetbauer (BSc student, collaboration with AIT-Tulln)
2023 Barbara Zbiral (MSc student, co-supervisor: Dr. A. Weber)
2023 Dominik Wiesinger (MSc student, co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2022 Elisabeth Schögl (MSc student, collaboration with University of Vienna)
2022 Sophia Horak (MSc student, collaboration with Roma Tre University)
2022 Pascal Tomasella (MSc Erasmus student, University of Catania)
2022 Tatiana Tyshchuk (BSc student, collaboration with Vetmeduni Vienna)
2021 Lukas Krismer (MSc student, co-supervisor: Dr. Andreas Weber)
2021 Veronika Pavlovska (BSc student, co-supervisor: Dr. Andreas Weber)
2021 Dmitri Morozov (MSc student, co-supervisor: Dr. Andreas Weber)
2019 Luis Ponce Gonzalez (BSc student, University of Valencia; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2018 Andreas Weber (MSc student; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2018 Alice Buytaert (MSc-Erasmus student, Gent University, Belgien)
2018 Charlotte Verlinde (MSc-Erasmus student, Gent University, Belgien)
2017 Leif Löher (MSc-Erasmus student, TU-Berlin; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2017 Piet Mitjen (MSc-Erasmus student, Gent University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2017 Kevin Saabe (MSc-Erasmus student, Gent University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2017 Michael Pilgerstorfer (BSc student; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2017 Damir Begic (MSc-CEEPUS student; University of Sarajevo; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2016 Julia Miholich (MSc student; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2016 Tajda Bogataj (MSc-CEEPUS student, University of Ljubljana; co-supervisor: A. Moreno-Cencerrado)
2016 Alexander Rudt (MSc student, Reutlingen University)
2015 Violetta Golebiewska (MSc Student, AGH-Krakow; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2015 Eline de Meyer (MSc-Erasmus student, Ghent University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2015 Anna Vianna Cintra (IAESTE student, Sao Paulo University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2015 Michaela Zrelski (BSc student, Vienna University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2014 Teresa Leon Sala (BSc student, Erasmus student, Polytechnic University of Valencia)
2014 Margareta Mittendorfer (BSc student; co-supervisor: S. Tharad)
2014 Elisa Rocchi (MSc-Erasmus student, University of Milano)
2014 Denise Bender (MSc student, Research Scientist at CONACYT)
2014 Piero Sabella (MSc-Erasmus student, University of Parma)
2013 Beatriz Lucas Delgado (MSc Erasmus student, UNEX)
2013 Antonio Miranda del Álamo (MSc-Erasmus student, UNEX)
2013 Remedios Gómez Infante (MSc-Erasmus student, UNEX)
2013 Katharina Duran (BSc student; co-supervisor: Dr. K. Melzak)
2012 Michael Pieler (MSc student)
2012 Alexandra Keller (MSc student)
2012 Michael Schoedelbauer (MSc student; co-supervisor: Ao. Prof. D. Pum)
2011 Batirtze Prats Mateu (MSc Erasmus student, Polytechnic University of Valencia)
2010 Ewa Anna Oprzeska (MSc student; AGH-Krakow; co-supervisor: Prof. K. Burda)
2008 Aitziber Eleta Lopez (MSc student)
2008 Griselda de Marco (MSc student; co-supervisor: Dr. S. Moreno-Flores)
2007 Mihaela Delcea (MSc student)
2007 Johann Faccelo Osma (MSc student; co-supervisor: Prof. S. Rodriguez Couto)
2005 Veronica Saravia Silvera (MSc student; co-supervisor: Dr. P. Lenas)
PhD students (the date indicates when work was finished)
2024 Agnes Specht (collaboration with Bayreuth University)
2023 Laura Anton Gonzalez (collaboration with University of Valencia)
2023 Isabel Gris Cardena (collaboration with CICbioGUNE)
2021 Andreas Weber
2019 Elham Ghorbani Gorji (co-supervisor: Prof. W. Kneifel)
2019 Naroa Sadaba (in collaboration with Basque Country Univ.; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2019 Juan Carlos Gil (in collaboration with the Complutense University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2018 Alberto Moreno-Cencerrado
2018 Maria Sumarokova (co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2018 Eva Sánchez (in collaboration with Basque Country Univ.; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2017 Zuzana Vanekova (ÖEAD student, in collaboration with Comenius University in Bratislava)
2017 Sonia Krysiak (WTZ student, in collaboration with AGH-Krakow)
2016 Eva Sánchez (in collaboration with Basque Country Univ.; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2016 Mirka Kamenikova (in collaboration with Comenius University in Bratislava)
2016 Ilaria Pecorari (in collaboration with Trieste University; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Iturri)
2015 Agness Weiss (in collaboration with University of Saarland)
2015 Sudarat Tharad (in collaboration with Manihol University)
2013 Jone Muñoz (in collaboration with University of the Basque Country)
2012 Rocío Ortiz (in collaboration with Tekniker, Eibar; co-supervisor: Dr. S. Moreno-Flores)
2011 Aitziber Eleta Lopez
2011 Ainhoa Lejardi (in collaboration with University of the Basque Country)
2010 Johann Faccelo Osma (co-supervisor: Prof. S. Rodriguez Couto)
2009 Mihaela Delcea
2008 Veronica Saravia (co-supervisor: Prof. S. Rodriguez Couto)
2007 Paula Pescador Álvarez (co-supervisor: Dr. I. Katakis)
Post-doctoral researchers (the date indicates when work was finished)
2022 Dr. Juan Carlos Gil-Redondo
2022 Dr. Andreas Weber
2022 Dr. Jagoba Iturri
2019 Dr. Sudarat Tharad
2016 Dr. Daniel Wastl
2014 Dr. Kathryn Melzak
2013 Dr. Susana Moreno-Flores
2009 Dr. Paula Pescador
2009 Dr. Pavla Dohanyosova
2008 Dr. Veronica Saravia
Mentored Habilitations at BOKU
2012 Prof. Dr. Peter Ertl (currently Vice Rector of Research at TU-Vienna)
2019 Prov. Doz. Dr. Gioana Giouroudi (Director of the Doctoral School at TU-Vienna)
Visiting scientist (the date indicates when work was finished)
2023 Dr. Israel Villarrasa Sapiña (University of Valencia)
2023 Assoc. Prof. Rafael Benitez Suarez (University of Valencia)
2023 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzales (University of Valencia)
2023 Assoc. Prof. Maria Teresa Pellicer (University of Valencia)
2022 Prof. Francisco Blanco Gutierrez (CSIC-Spain, BOKU-visiting professor)
2022 Prof. Stefano Leporatti (CNR Nanotec, Lecce, Italy)
2022 Assoc. Prof. Rafael Benitez Suarez (University of Valencia)
2022 Assoc. Prof. Xavier Garcia Masso (University of Valencia)
2022 Assoc. Prof. Radostina Georgieva (Charite-Berlin, WTZ program)
2022 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzalez (University of Valencia)
2022 Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Karabaliev (Trakia University, WTZ program)
2022 Dr. Boyana Paarvanova (Trakia University, WTZ program)
2022 Dr. Bilyana Tacheva (Trakia University, WTZ program)
2022 Prof. Maja Turk Sekulic (University of Novi Sad, CEEPUS exchange)
2021 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzalez (University of Valencia)
2021 Assoc. Prof. Maria Teresa Pellicer (University of Valencia)
2021 Assoc. Prof. Antonio Lucas-Alba (University of Zaragoza, BOKU-visiting professor)
2019 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzalez (University of Valencia)
2019 Dr. Alberto Pardo (University of Valencia)
2019 Assoc. Prof. Xavier Masso (University of Valencia)
2019 Dr. Habil. Reinhard Miller (MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, BOKU-visiting professor)
2019 Assoc. Prof. Tonya Andreeva (Reutlingen University, WTZ programm)
2019 Dr. Svetozar Stoychev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, WTZ programm)
2018 Assoc. Prof. Stefano Leporatti (CNR, Italy)
2018 Assoc. Prof. Klemen Bohinc (Ljubljana University, Slovenia, CEEPUS program)
2017 Dr. Marti Duocastella (ITT-Italy; BOKU-visiting professor)
2015 Assoc. Prof. Rafael Benitez (UNEX; BOKU-visiting professor)
2015 Dr. Xavier Garcia Masso (University of Valencia)
2015 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzalez (University of Valencia)
2015 Dr. Spela Zemlijc-Jokhadar (University of Ljubljana)
2015 Dr. Vicente Bolos (University of Valencia)
2013 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzalez (University of Valencia)
2013 Dr. Xavier Garcia Masso (University of Valencia)
2011 Ezster Bodnar (Rovira i Virgili University)
2011 Assoc. Prof. Luis Millan Gonzalez (University of Valencia)
2010 Dr. Sandra Rocha (University of Porto)
2009 Silvia Coelho (University of Porto)
2009 Dr. Joana Gomes (University of Porto)
2008 Rainer Nehring (University of Basel)
2008 Dr. Jose María Alonso (Max-Planck-Institut f. Metallforschung)
2007 Noelia Barrabés (Rovira i Virgili University)
Alumni (ao.Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Dietmar Pum)
Diploma/Master students (date indicates when work was finished)
2011 Barbara Theiler (MSc)
2010 Maria Magdalena Picher (MSc)
2008 Claudia Eisenkölbl (DI)
2007 Christine Horejs (MSc)
2007 Alba Hykollari (DI)
2006 Harald Gollner (Mag.)
2005 Markus Pisecker (DI)
2005 Johanna Pultar (DI)
1999 Regina Korntner (DI)
1998 Alexander Pfandler (DI)
1995 Andreas Gössl (DI)
1993 Barbara Wetzer (DI)
1992 Walter Schreier (DI)
1991 Angela Neubauer (DI)
1988 Ursula Kainz (DI)
PhD students (date indicates when work was finished)
2013 David Schuster (PhD)
2011 Christine Horejs (PhD)
2010 Kainz Birgit (PhD)
2008 Johanna Pulter (PhD)
2004 Petra Gufler (PhD)
1999 Sabine Dieluweit (PhD)
1997 Barbara Wetzer (PhD)
1996 Therese Lackner (PhD)
1994 Angela Neubauer (PhD)
1993 Ursula Kainz (PhD)
Visiting scientists
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