1. Purpose
a. The Cluster for Development Research (CDR) bundles professional and methodological expertise at BOKU in order to contribute to a transition towards ecological, economic and social sustainability (following the SDGs) in the Global South in the best possible way.
b. The CDR promotes the exchange between researchers and institutions of BOKU and facilitates a community of practice for joint activities in research, teaching and training with partners, especially from the Global South.
c. The CDR promotes inter- and transdisciplinary work. The integrative approach creates synergies between the BOKU sciences, the departments and their staff.
d. The CDR, together with the Institute of Development Research at BOKU, is the first point of contact for research, politics and the public in Austria regarding the sustainable use of natural resources in the Global South.
2. Goals
a. Mobilization of scientific knowledge on sustainable development in the Global South for actors from politics, civil society and business. The focus is on poverty reduction, food security and sustainable management of natural resources.
b. Knowledge generation as a basis for effective strategies, development innovations and sustainability transition.
c. Training of critical-constructive thinking and acting students with technical and process competence for the coordination of development-related innovation processes.
d. Raising target group-specific awareness regarding the importance of science for ecological, economic and social sustainability (SDGs) in the Global South.
3. Activities
a. Interdisciplinary cooperation within the CDR partner community and promotion of cooperation with actors from politics, civil society and business.
b. Joint design, application, coordination and implementation of research, capacity development, teaching projects and courses.
c. Contributing to the global dialogue on environmental, economic and social sustainability (following the SDGs) in the form of lectures and publications.
d. Communicating the importance of inter- and transdisciplinary science for a transition towards environmental, economic and social sustainability (SDGs) in the Global South.