James Nxytubase Nkhoswe, MSc
- wiss. Projektmitarbeiter/in
- Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
- james.nkhoswe@boku.ac.at
- Phone
- +260976248742
- +4367764438537
- Postal address
Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33/DG
1180 Vienna - Office hours
- Tuesdays to Thurdays | 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM
- Additional information
I am an emerging water-energy-food (WEF)-nexus expert advocating for blue-green and circular economies, to promote climate resilience through nature-based solutions (NBS).
As a researcher, I explore sustainability in hydroelectric power production (HP) and pollution in aquatic ecosystems.
I champion concepts of Sponge cities as well as Coupled Socio-eco-hydrological systems for better Water resources management and attaining SDGs.
My interdisciplinary interests include Tropical medicine, Ecotoxicology, Global health, Equity and inclusion; to enhance Food security and Climate resilience via Integrated Agro-Aquaculture and built environments.
Join me in creating a sustainable future where nature and society thrive!
Dzikomo (Cheers).