Spatiotemporal Analysis 25. Sept. 2023
On September 25th 2023 the Data Science Initiative organized a symposium on Spatiotemporal Analysis in cooperation with the Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management (IWJ)
1st Session 14:00 - 15:30
14:00 Opening
14:05 Brady Mattsson, Matthias Amon, Paul Griesberger, Jennifer Hatlauf,
Fabian Knufinke, Florian Kunz, Sophie Nöbauer, Eva Schöll, Jendrik Windt
(Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management):
Of fur and feather through space and time: selected topics
15:00 Johannes Laimighofer (Institute of Statistics):
Space-time prediction models for low-flow - from black box to statistical learning models
15:15 Vinzent Klaus (Institute of Meteorology and Climatology):
Detecting hail and storm updrafts in weather radar data
Coffee Break 15:30 - 16:00
2nd Session 16:00 - 17:15
16:00 Rafaela Schinegger, Georg Gruber (Institute of Landscape Development,
Recreation and Conservation Planning),
Carina Seliger (Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management):
Riparian zones - a key factor in conservation efforts for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity.
A case-study from the EU NaturaConnect project in the Danube-Carpathian Region
16:15 Valentin Lechner (Institute of Safety and Risk Sciences):
The FlyDriveMod
16:30 Karsten Schulz (Institute of Hydrology and Water Management):
Scale problems and uncertainties in regionalization of soil hydraulic properties in Austria
16:45 Karolina Taczanowska (Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning):
Tracking Outdoor Tourism and Recreation - exploration, visualization and modeling of
spatiotemporal vistor data
17:00 Closing
Networking 17:15 – open end
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