Modelling of transport and mobility
Modelling of transport and mobility
According to the "Long-term Strategy 2050 - Austria", the mobility turnaround in Austria is to be completed by the year 2050. The accompanying shift from private motorized transport to public transport as well as to active and new means of transport raises the question whether the currently planned further developments in public transport result in a sufficiently attractive offer and are in turn suitable to meet the increasing demand or whether and where capacity bottlenecks are to be expected.
Goal of the EmUVer project is the development of scenarios of the mobility turnaround and the elaboration of recommendations for the technical implementation in the traffic model by ÖBB-PV AG in order to simulate the interactions between demand and supply within the framework of these scenarios and to be able to identify bottlenecks.
Implementation of new data in the transport model MARS of Madrid
The proposed work is intended to support the project Strategies for Resilient and Sustainable Post-COVID Passenger and Freight Mobility in the Region of Madrid (MARS MADRID 2022) of the Institute Transyt of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The background of the project MARS MADRID 2022 is an analysis of the long-term impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on mobility and transport. To address this topic mobility habits that have contributed significantly to the spread of the pandemic are studied. For this purpose, a macro-survey is carried out. Beyond the generation of knowledge and the creation of a large database, the ultimate purpose is to generate a set of guidelines for action in mobility and transport for the prevention and management of pandemics that will contribute to improving the resilience and sustainability of mobility in the Region of Madrid. The collected data are used to modify the model MARS (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator) of the functional urban region Madrid. MARS is a dynamic LUTI (Land Use and Transport Interaction) model developed by Pfaffenbichler in 2003, whose basic hypothesis is that settlements and the activities that take place in them are self-organized systems (Pfaffenbichler, Emberger and Shepherd, 2008). The updated model will be used to analyse the effects of Covid-19 related phenomena like teleworking and a general aversion against mass transport. The general objective of the project MARS MADRID 2022 is to identify how the introduction of teleworking and the increase in car use will affect the general mobility of the Region of Madrid.
The objective of the proposed work by BOKU is to support the abovementioned tasks of data collection and the identification, implementation and programming of the necessary changes to the model MARS. The main focus will be on data processing assessment of changes in land-use and mobility patterns due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Madrid Region.