
Eder::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

Management, Food and Environment M. EDER: Risk analysis based on stochastic dominance A case study with selected [...] are obtained from Bundesanstalt für Pflanzenbau based on field trials carried out in Fuchsenbigl (Lower [...] eleven years (1981 to 1991). Prices and costs are based on the 1992 farm level. Four conventional crops

Pažek::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

ect marketing farms A complex decision process based on simulation scenarios and multi-criteria decision [...] and multi-attribute decision making methodology based on expert systems DEX-i and Analytical Hierarchy

THEKLA::Institute of Production and Logistics::Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU

Wood Supply Guidelines for Forest Based Industry 2 Bilder 2 Bilder The project THEKLA develops and evaluates [...] order to ensure competitiveness of Austrian forest based industries and disseminates according guidelines

Haslmayr::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

Gerzabek: Functions of arable soils – assessment based on datasets available for Austrial Summary Soil

Meixner::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

Koppelstätter: Food supply in rural areas – A decision based analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Summary

THEKLA::Institute of Production and Logistics::Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU

Wood Supply Guidelines for Forest Based Industry (THEKLA) 2 Bilder 2 Bilder The project THEKLA develops [...] order to ensure competitiveness of Austrian forest based industries and disseminates according guidelines

Structural wood building materials::Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials::Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering (MAP)::BOKU

published in Forests in 2023. Novel wood-based material based on naturally optimised wood particles Panel [...] and mechanical performance of commercial wood-based building materials" we give some answers to this [...] of adhesives using the example of a novel wood-based material A plea for the efficient use of wood in

Lab news::Department of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology (DAGZ)::BOKU

complex provides the first mechanistic, chromatin-based understanding of how development is connected with [...] metabolites (SMs). For activation, global chromatin-based de-repression must be integrated with pathway-specific [...] cerevisiae , and to STK-12 of Neurospora crassa . Based on this similarity and on stress and nutritional

Research Projects::Institute of Cell and Tissue Culture Technologies::Department of Biotechnology (DBT)::BOKU

Physiological Potency Assays For Cell-Based Therapies Cellulose-Based Hydrogel Scaffolds for 3D Cultivation

Project::Institute of Zoology (ZOO)::Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (DIBB)::BOKU

questions To what extent can multiple biodiversity-based ecosystem services (ES) in agricultural systems [...] management intensity and examine how biodiversity-based (plants, soil biota and pollinators) ES may substitute [...] package 2 and work package 3. How can biodiversity-based ES, and biodiversity preservation, be used in food

News::Institute of Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology::Department of Biotechnology (DBT)::BOKU

deletion of the CYB2 gene. The potential of CO2-based production cycles in biotechnology to fight the [...] million for the VIVALDI project to transform the bio-based industry into a new, more environmentally friendly


Christina Maisl based on the excellent scientific contribution by Anna Atanasoff-Kardjalieff Based on the highly

ELLS Scientific Student Conference::BOKU

digital solutions. Circular and bio based economy Circular and bio based economy has been advocated as one [...] transitioning from linear economy/non-bio based to bio based economy. Rural and urban development for

Equipment and Services::Core Facility Food & Bio Processing::BOKU Core Facilities::BOKU

quality and microbiological analyses of food and bio-based materials. Main focus: academia, food industry,

ABCT - Austrian Biorefinery Center Tulln::Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources::Department of Chemistry (DCH)::BOKU

research on an internationally competitive level, based on the leading positions of the involved research [...] computer aided approach to high-performance bio-based composites Supervisor: Ulrich Müller, Department

Research profile::Institute of Marketing and Innovation::Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU

details . Marketing strategies for agricultural & bio-based products Sustainable consumption Economic consideration [...] methods experimental designs foresight questionnaire-based surveys life cycle analysis measurement theory&

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