
Poster contributions BOKU Symposium 2022::Institute of Animal Nutrition, Livestock Products, and Nutrition Physiology (TTE)::Department of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-Tulln::BOKU

Somitsch, W Wetscherek 14. On-farm evaluation of plant-based feed additives for reducing faecal ammonia-N and [...] 18. Drinking water supplementation of a mixture based on star anise essential oils alleviates heat stress

Programm::Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

Restoration, at least in its early stages, was mainly based on ecological knowledge. Why then should we consider [...] can mimic past functioning or imagine a new one based on these new conditions. A large numbers of rivers

Projekte::Experimental Farm Groß-Enzersdorf::Department of Crop Sciences (DNW)::BOKU

leverages Citizen Science and an innovative mentor-based approach to involve students, researchers, and the [...] through a standardized tutorial system. This mentor-based Citizen Science approach aims to not only gather


for analyzing the spatial compatibility of nature-based solutions for reducing urban heat islands and stormwater

Research::Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering (IVET)::Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering (MAP)::BOKU

terms. The aim is to adopt a package of measures based on this. The motivation behind this submission is

Team and Contact::Core Facility BioIndustrial Pilot Plant::BOKU Core Facilities::BOKU

on quality management, quality control and lipid-based vesicles Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Alois

History::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

university library was able to offer CD-ROM data bases via UltraNet to all university members. This was [...] library offers, first in Austria, an e-learning based course named “Introduction to the services and

Useful information from A to Z::Personnel Development::BOKU

teaching content. BOKU learn - a university-wide web-based learning platform - combines the advantages of classroom [...] been developing an environmental management system based on the European Ecological Audit Directive (EMAS-VO [...] has its own quality management system which is based on international standards such as ENQA and DEGEval

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