Circulation-oriented waste collection
Cycle-oriented waste collection
The generation of household waste is closely linked to lifestyles, consumption patterns and disposal behaviour. The ABF-BOKU therefore analyses the generation of waste in households in connection with socio-economic, demographic and waste management factors. On this basis, forecast models were developed which allow an estimation of future waste quantities as a basis for planning.
In the case of mixed waste such as residual waste or separately collected waste materials, the composition is determined by means of sorting analyses. In the past, the results of waste sorting analyses were not easily comparable due to differences in sample size, sampling, determination of the required sample mass and statistical evaluation. In recent years, we have worked on the development of guidelines for sorting analyses that allow comparable and statistically verified results. Guidelines are currently available for carrying out sorting analyses of residual waste and waste paper.
Collection systems for waste are relevant for achievable collection rates and costs and have various design elements, from the technical design with suitable containers, sacks etc., aspects of user-friendliness such as distance to the collection container, accessibility, ease of operation up to aspects of information and motivation of the users. Basis for the optimization of collection systems are the definition and delimitation of material groups, the determination of the waste potential and the resulting degree of coverage. Consideration of the quality of the waste collected plays an important role in sustainable recycling management.
DI Mag. Peter Beigl
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Salhofer