Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
HyWa - Mission
Research at the Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (HyWa) aims to quantify and predict water, energy and solute transport processes within hydrological catchments at different spatial scales. A major focus lies on the elements of the hydraulic cycle including precipitation, interception, evapotranspiration, infiltration and runoff generation as well as water storage in lakes/reservoirs and snow cover. The interplay between process understanding, measurement and model development allows the development of efficient water resources management strategies in collaboration with relevant stakeholders from ministries, governmental organizations and industry. Currently, HyWa is involved in e.g. low flow and flood risk management strategies, runoff prediction for hydropower management systems, nutrient transport from catchments under global change conditions, or water management for tourism and snow production.
Management and Administration
Addresses & Contact
Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
Muthgasse 18
1190 Wien
Tel.: 0043 1 47654 81600
Fax: 0043 1 47654 81609