New materials and products, as for instance products containing manufactured nano-materials, do not enter the market without processes of standardization. The Institute of Law, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna is co-organizing a Workshop that seeks to explore the roles of and the interests behind standardization in the nano-field.
Standardization procedures are set up to guarantee the safety and quality of new products, to facilitate innovation and trade, and to enable efficiency and compatibility. They likewise contribute to shaping research, production, and the release of materials into the environment in a significant way. This workshop seeks to explore the roles of and the interests behind standardization in the nano-field. In particular, we will discuss in how far and in which ways standardization may contribute to the common good. This includes a discussion of the goals and mechanisms of standardization, of standards as either facilitating or restricting tools, and of their diversity enhancing or diversity-reducing effects. The workshop provides an interdisciplinary setting in which scholars from economics, ethics, law, and social and political sciences will investigate these issues.
Angela Kallhoff and Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg (Research Platform Nano-Norms-Nature, University of Vienna) organize the workshop in collaboration with Iris Eisenberger (Institute of Law, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna).
Click here for the detailed program.
Please find the report of the conference here.
University of Vienna, NIG, Seminar Room 3B, third floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg
+43/1/4277 25800