Daniel Ennöckl receives BOKU Teaching award 2023

The BOKU Teaching Prize is aimed to award each year's best lectures. The main prize in the teaching compulsory courses went to Prof. Daniel Ennöckl, Head of the Institute of Law at BOKU, for the lecture he gave on the basics of law.

The jury stated in its justification for the award:

"With this submission, the jury recognizes a lecture that uses different methods and ways of thinking from different disciplines to deal with the complex topic of "law" in the context of the respective fields of study. By integrating different perspectives, students are given a comprehensive understanding of the law. The lecture impresses with its clear structure, which is geared towards the needs of the students and leaves room for interaction despite the large number of students. The combination of an interdisciplinary approach with a well thought-out didactic concept can lead to an enriching learning experience and deepen BOKU students' understanding of the law."
