Christian Lauk | Foto: Pilo Pichler

[Translate to English:] (c) Pilo Pichler


 +43 1 47654-73725

Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)
Schottenfeldgasse 29
1070 Vienna

Research areas

  • Nature-society interactions
  • Socio-ecological carbon metabolism
  • Impacts of the use of bioenergy and biomaterials on land use
  • Integrated land use scenarios
  • Climate change mitigation by food and land use systems
  • Post-growth economics

Curriculum Vitae | ORCID | Researcher ID | Google Scholar | Research Gate | LinkedIn | Academia | Twitter | Youtube

Research information and documentation

Find more information in the research information system (FIS) and the documentation until 2018 in the research documentation (FoDok) of the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt (AAU):