Statistical survey at the start of studies (UHStat1) for University Continuing Education Programs

According to Federal Law (Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz § 9), all students of Austrian Universities are obliged to supply statistical data at the start of studies.

The data have to be entered by the students themselves, directly via the following web page of Statistik Austria:

Explanations on the survey at the start of studies (Statistik Austria)

Data entry requires an Austrian Insurance Number (Sozialversicherungsnummer).

Persons without an Austrian Insurance Number will be issued a Substitute Code (Ersatzkennzeichen). The code will be sent by the university's study services within the process of enrolment at the university. In this case, data entry can be performed only after enrolment has been processed.

After your submission of data, you will receive a confirmation document for download (cf. image on the left).

You will have to submit this confirmation document to the BOKU study services for the validity of your enrolment.

Receipt of your confirmation will be stored in our administration system and checked when students activate their BOKU sevice accounts.

Activation of accounts is only possible when confirmation check returns a positive result.

You can submit your confirmation document for the statistical survey directly, here →