Food & Environment
Working Group Food & Environment
Description of research objectives
To provide analytical data from food and environmental samples a wide variety of methods is needed. Therefore, our working group is divided into five working areas:
All working areas share the same objective to develop and implement analytical methods for the detection of various contaminants, allergens and pathogens in food, feed and water. The wide knowledge base on different techniques available in the working group enables straightforward interdisciplinary research, which is needed to solve analytical problems of increasing complexity.
Ongoing research projects
A short description of ongoing project can be found here.
- Danube Allergy Research Cluster: Under the direction of Univ.Prof. Rudolf Valenta. This is a research network for allergy research funded by the state of Lower Austria, in which numerous scientists from Vienna and Lower Austria are networked with each other.
- PHOTONFOOD: Horizon 2020 project which is coordinated by Prof. Achim Kohler from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
- MycoAfrica Mycotoxin exposure in Sub-Sahara Africa
- FFoQSI 3.2.1 Accelerated Multiclass Analysis (FFoQSI - C30-P12-W01)
- FFoQSI 3.2.2 Multitox China (FFoQSI - C30-P12-W02)
- FFoQSI 3.2.3. Toxin Inactivation (FFoQSI - C30-P12-W03)
- FFoQSI 3.3.4 Mould & Metabolite Profiling (FFoQSI - C30-P13-W04)
- FFoQSI - Blue Area: Smarte Technologien - Wissenschaftliche Innovationen für nachhaltige Lebensmittelketten (FFoQSI Blue Area)
- New detection methods for Vibrio cholerae bacteria in natural waters
- Rapid and efficient cell lysis for point-of-care detection of periodontal pathogens
- Interaction mechanisms of hydrophilic ionic liquids with microbial cells
- SEWAT - Microbiological and Chemo-physical Real-time Parameters for Quality Control in Mobile Drinking Water Treatment