Guest professors
We are glad that the following guest professors were contributing substantially and in high academic quality to the debate on research topics realized by the Working Group Knowledge Systems and Innovation, or are still involved and contributing today. Thank you very much!
Gary J. Martin, Global Diversity Foundation, USA & GB
Rajindra (Raj) Puri, University of Kent at Canterbury: School of Anthropology and Conservation & Centre for Biocultural Diversity, GB
- Stephan Rist, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment, (CH)
Darrell Posey, formerly University of Oxford (GB)
Patricia Howard, Wageningen University (NL)
John Richard (Rick) Stepp, University of Florida in Gainesville: Department of Anthropology & Centre for Tropical Conservation and Development (USA)
Fernando Funes Monzote, formerly Matanzas University (Kuba), Pressebericht theguardian, Pressebericht FarmingFirst
Edurado Ortega, University of Havanna (Kuba)