Stakeholder Involvement
„The Future of Urban Food“ aims to produce results that are relevant for society and to foster the discourse about the further development of the Viennese Urban Agrofood System. To achieve that, an intensive exchange between researchers and societal stakeholders is necessary and to ensure this exchange the project is accompanied by a transdisciplinary advisory board.
Advisory Board
The board is built of important stakeholders from the Viennese urban agrofood system and will continuously evaluate the research progress and provide important inputs for the single research activities.
The following organizations are currently represented within the advisory Board:
- Arbeiterkammer Wien (chamber of labour, Vienna) (represented by Heinz Schöffl)
- Biogast (represented by DI Simon Ziegler)
- Initiative zur Gründung eines Wiener Ernährungsrates (Viennese Food Council) (represented by Charlotte Kottusch, Msc.)
- Institut für Soziale Ökologie (Insitute of Social Ecology) (represented by Dr. Ulli Weisz)
- Landwirtschaftskammer Wien (agricultural chamber of Vienna) (represented by DI Paul Riedmann)
- Landwirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich (agricultural chamber of Lower Austria) (represented by DI Elfriede Schaffer)
- Magristratsabteilung 22 (Viennese city administration responsible for environmental protection) (represented by Mag Adelheid Sagmeister)
- Magristratsabteilung 24 (Viennese city administration responsible for health planning) (represented by Mag Kristina Hametner)
- Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Landesinnung Lebensmittelgewerbe (chamber of commerce, Vienna) (represented by Dr. Kurt Schebesta
- World Wildlife Fund Wien (represented by Mag. DI Julia Haslinger)
In addition „Future of Urban Food“ engages stakeholders in various other ways doing so, contributes to a societal discourse about the future of the WUAFS:
- We survey and communicate the social acceptance of different food habits
- We create together with several extended stakeholder groups scenarios for the WUAFSs in the year 2048
- We discuss those scenarios in numerous ways with Viennese citizens
- We develop concrete recommendations for politics and city administration