Livestock Products
The institute TTE is connected to the successional research field food science and technology via the primary production of livestock products (esp. meat, fish, eggs).
The quality of animal products regarding nutrition physiology, the food processing properties as well as the safety of the primary products (especially in respect of residues, contaminants, etc.) further connects TTE with the research field of human nutrition. From TTE’s point of view, livestock products are the final output of the physiological metabolism in livestock, which is driven by systematic feeding regimes to provide the quality and safety postulated by food science and human nutrition.
- Quality of animal foods as a function of their production conditions (especially feeding for fatty acid profiles).
- Beef quality (nutrients, rheological properties) as a function of genetics and feeding intensity
- Effect of feeding of minerals and trace elements on livestock product quality (nutrient enrichment and influence on shelf life and quality characteristics of foods of animal origin)
- Fat quality of feed and food of animal origin (fatty acid profile, oxidation stability)
- Influence of antioxidant components (e.g. secondary plant compounds) on the oxidation stability of meat