Universal Test Frame FRANK 81816
Universal Test Frame FRANK 81816
Standardized Tensile, Compression and Bending Tests
Max. Load 10 kN
Temperature Control Heraeus: Temperature interval: -70°C …+250°C
Standardized Specimens as required for the standardized tests according to
ISO 527 (Tensile) & ISO 178 (Bending)
can be fabricated in-house in our Injection moulding laboratory.
Impact Testing Machine 53303 Frank
Conditioning of Test Specimens
Conditioning of Test Specimens
Standard Climate Chamber 23°C/50% rel. Humidity,
Cold/Hot Climate Cabinet WEISS Type SB111/300
10 to 90°C, 10 to 90% rel. Humidity
Cold/Hot Cabinet Heraeus HT 4020
-40°C to +120°C