
Here you can find information on occupational psychology and registration modalities for consulting.

Especially in difficult times we want to be there for all BOKU employees!

Our occupational psychologists Regina Nicham, Barbara Amon-Zsaitsits (both from IBG) and Eva Straus (ASZ) can support you! You can also take advantage of the offer of psychological counselling on the phone or via video conference!

Individual support and counselling for employees and managers is offered in German and English. You can contact our occupational psychologists with your own issues or if you are a manager and would like advice on dealing with employees in occupational psychology.

The counselling is anonymous, free of charge and, of course, subject to the obligation of confidentiality!

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The target group for the anonymous, free individual counselling in occupational psychology is all BOKU employees. In addition, it is aimed at all managers who would like to receive advice on dealing with employees in matters of occupational psychology. The primary task of occupational and organisational psychology is to identify and address potential health, psychological and safety hazards and to develop individual solutions. Occupational psychology serves to proactively cope with the increasing psycho-social stresses specific to the workplace. The following topics, among others, can be the content of counselling: stress management and prevention, dealing with conflicts, current crises and emotional problems, mobbing, dependency problems and much more.

Occupational Psychological Consulting

BOKU Occupational Psychologist - Mag. Regina NICHAM

  • occupational psychologist
  • clinical and health psychologist
  • psychotherapist

Phone: 0699/11 61 3484 (09:00 - 18:00)

eMail: r.nicham(a)ibg.co.at

Education and Further Training

  • Study of Psychology in Vienna
  • Trainings as occupational psychologist in Vienna
  • Trainings as clinical and health psychologist in Vienna
  • Psychotherapist (Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy)
  • Training as nordic walking instructor
  • Head of occupational psychology at IBG

NEW Focus English-language counselling by BOKU occupational psychologist - Mag.a Barbara Aman- Zsaitsits
Occupational and organisational psychologist

Health and clinical psychologist

Systemic coach

Contact: 0699/100 973 35

eMail: b.amon(a)ibg.at

Education and further training

Psychology studies in Vienna
Certified occupational, economic and organisational psychologist/BÖP
Training as clinical and health psychologist/BÖP
Training in systemic coaching
Further training in MBSR - Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction
Training as Nordic Walking Basic Instructor
For further information about our occupational psychologist and the registration modalities, please see the information sheet.