Otto Pregl Foundation
Otto Pregl Foundation for Geotechnical Fundamental Research
Feistmantelstrasse 4
1180 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-47654-87300 - Fax: +43-1-47654-87309
In 2001, Prof. Dr. Otto Pregl, head of the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, established "the Foundation for Geotechnical Fundamental Research'' as the first non-profit private foundation of its kind in Austria. In the year of 2008 the name of the foundation was changed to " Otto Pregl Foundation for Geotechnical Fundamental Research'' in honour of its founder.
The foundation conducts geotechnical fundamental research. The following research topics are stipulated in the foundation certificate:
- Soil constitutive models
- Numerical simulations
- Experimental techniques (geotechnical centrifuge)
The aim of the foundation is to conduct high-level geotechnical fundamental research. The developed methods and the obtained results can be applied to many problems in practice, e.g. embankments, foundations and tunnels. The research results are presented at international scientific conferences and published in journals.
The executive body of the foundation is the foundation board. The following persons have been members of the board:
Prof. DDr. Bergmeister,
Dr. Bruner (†) (former rector of BOKU),
Prof. Dr. Dürrstein (former rector of BOKU),
Ass. Prof. Dr. Mansberger,
Prof. Dr. Pregl (†),
Prof. Dr. Semprich (TU Graz),
Dr. Shaigani,
Prof. Strelec (†),
Em. Prof. Dr. Welan (former rector of BOKU),
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wu,
and Prof. Yu (University of Leeds, UK)