Façade 4.0
In Austria, almost one quarter of the total energy demand is used for heating and air conditioning.
In the project Prefab.Facade we collaborate with an interdisciplinary consortium to advance the thermal refurbishment of buildings. Our focus is set on prefabrication of façade elements through automated production. Our last meeting in the Roblab in Groß Enzersdorf was a great success, thank you for everyone who joined!
All information on the Prefab.Facade project can be found here.
Ecoplus. Niederösterreich GmbH, Koppelhuber² und Parntner, MAGK Architektur, Bruche GmbH, VÖZ – Verband österreischer Ziegelwerke, Vinzenz Harrer GmbH, SIHGA GmbH, fischerwerke GmbH, ÖFHF – Österreichischer Fachverband für hinterlüftete Fassaden, PREFA Aluminiumprodukte GmbH, Keplinger GmbH, einszueins architektur ZT GmbH, STO Ges.m.b.H, nonconform zt gmbh, Metallica Stahl- und Fassadentechnik GmbH, Georg Fessl GmbH, utb Laser und Vermessungstechnik GmbH, FCP Fritsch, Chiari und Parnter ZT GmbH, O.K. Energie Haus GmbH