Interlibrary loan
General information
- If you are looking for literature (books, articles in journals or other media) which is not available in a library in Vienna, you can order it via interlibrary loan from other libraries in Austria or from foreign libraries.
- The order is subjected to a fee (see “Charges”). Therefore, please check before ordering, whether the literature you are looking for is available in Vienna. For this purpose please consult the online catalogues of Vienna.
- Interlibrary loan requests are solely possible via the loan request form in BOKU:LITsearch BOKU.
- For general questions about the interlibrary loan request please contact +43 1 47654-38084 or send an e-mail to: Our staff members will be pleased to help you!
In order to place an interlibrary loan request, you need to be a registered user of the library. After choosing the module “Interlibrary loan” at the start page of BOKU:LITsearch you log-in with your user-ID and password. Then you will be guided through the ordering process.
Please note: It is necessary to place an extra order for each literature request (book, periodical or article).
If you place an interlibrary loan request, the charges are as follow:
- Books, Austria, € 2,00
- Books, abroad, € 10,00
- Copies, Austria, € 5,00
- Copies, abroad, € 7,00
The amounts apply to 1-20 pages. The amounts for multiple copies will be charged by the delivery library.
If the university library does not maintain a regular interlibrary loan contact, a cost estimate is requested before the order is placed.
Pick-up / Return the Items
Main Library: 9.00 - 15.00
You will be informed via e-mail when the ordered item is available to pick-up at the main library.
Please note: To pick up interlibrary loan items is only possible in the main library!
Loan period / Usage
Please notice that for books the length of the loan period and the terms of use are given by the lending library. Therefore the loan period may be significantly shorter than the usual monthly period. Sometimes you may only be permitted to use the book in the rooms of the library.