Vol 47 / 2
Die Bodenkultur - Volume 47 / issue 2
M. H. Gerzabek, K. Mück, F. Steger and S. M. Algader: Leaching of 6OCO, 137CS and 226Ra in lysimeter experiments |
B. Klug-Pümpel and Ch. Krampitz: Conservatin in Alpine Ecosystems: The plant cover of ski runs reflects natural as well as anthropogenic environmental factors |
A. Krapfenbauer, Ch. Holtermann and K. Wriessnig: The role of mycorrhizal fungi in forestry and agriculture |
F.-G. Loth: Abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores at different native sites in dependence on sewage sludge applications |
M. Penker and H. K. Wytrzens: Teaching Landscape preservation and Countryside management in Austrian Vocational schools for Agriculture |
W. Schneeberger: Deriving income possibility curves for farm households |
I. Wieser, J. Heß and T. Lindenthal: Nutrient balances on organically managed grassland farms in Upper Austria |