Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment
R. Leitgeb, E. Oberrauch, F. Baumann and W. Wetscherek:
Use of meat and bone meal in broiler diets
In a feeding trail with broilers the effects of O (KG), 5 (VG1) and 10 % meat and bone meal (VG2) on growth and carcass traits and the nutrient flow into the environment were investigated. The further components were maize, soybean meal, soybean oil, maize gluten meal, L-Iysine-HCI, DL-methionine and mineral- and vitamin-premix. The protein content of compound feed was 21.5 % on average. The LW of the chickens at the start was 55 g and at the end of the growing periode (38th day) 1.93 (KG), 1.92 (VGl) and 1.86 kg (VG2), the feed conversion rate was 1.88, 1.90 and 1.94 kg and the carcass dressing 77.3, 78.1 and 78.1 %, respectively. The sensoric test of breast meat for tenderness, juiciness and taste showed no differences between the feeding groups. The protein content in the carcass of KG, VGl and VG2 was 17.2, 16.9 and 16.9 and the fat content 14.6, 16.0 and 15.9 0/0, respectively. The nutrient flow into the environment was evaluated by analysis of feed, broilers, straw and litter. The balances were made for DM, N2, fat, fiber, ash, N-free extracts and GE. Per broiler, 8 to 14 g 2 were emitted. Fat showed a net synthesis for KG, VG1 and VG2 of 27, 83 and 110 g, respectively. 88 % of the N-free extracts were metabolized and of total consumed GE 27.5, 26.1 and 26.4 MJ were emitted per broiler of KG, VGl und VG2, respectively. Key words: broiler, meat and bone meal, growth, carcass, environment.