Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment
G.M.M. Mosaad and C. Iben:
Effect of dietary energy and protein levels on growth performance, carcass yield and some blood constituents of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica)
Two hundred and seventy one-day-quail chicks were randomly distributed into 9 treatments to examine the effect of energy and protein levels on their growth performance and some blood constituents. Nine diets containing three levels of metabolizable energy (ME11.0, 11.72 and 12.55 MJ/kg), each at three levels of crude protein (21, 24 and 27 % on DMB) in a 3 x 3 factorial design were fed until 6 weeks of age. There was a linear increase in body weight gain with increased crude protein levels. Feed conversion rate (FCR) and energy efficiency improved in diets with medium and high levels of crude protein during 0–3 weeks of age. Nitrogen retention was significantly higher in the high energy, high protein diet. Total protein, calcium and phosphorus in the serum were significantly different due to the crude protein level. Serum total lipids increased linearly (p < 0.01) with dietary energy. Key words: Quails, fattening yield, energy, protein, blood metabolites.