Die Bodenkultur - Volume 61 / issue 4

land management - soil

H. Förster, F. Ullrich and P. Schad:

On the classification of podzols of the eastern Bavarian mountain ranges (a comparison of WRB 2006 and KA5)

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M. Link, Th. Vorderbrügge, A. Michalski, A. Kowalkowski and T. Harrach:

Interpretation of German and Polish soil assessment data in order to deduce and to evaluate soil parameters and functions – Part I: Methodical basis and database

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land management - agricultural engineering

G. Moitzi, V. Kryvoruchko, B. Amon, T. Amon und J. Boxberger:

Separation of pig slurry and the effects on NH3, N2O und CH4 emissions during storage of liquid phase and compostable solid phase

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food - feed

G. Schedle, C. Mair, R. Leitgeb and W. Windisch:

Zootechnical performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicks fed different kinds and concentrations of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)

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