Step 1: Have a Docoloc account created for you

Docoloc is only available for teachers of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences.

If you are a teacher at BOKU and need a Docoloc account, please contact the BOKU-IT hotline:

With this account you as a teacher have the possibility to upload files of students to the Docoloc server, where the plagiarism check is performed.

If you don't need this license anymore, please send us a short message, then the license can be given to other teachers.

Frequently asked questions and problems

  1. Please do NOT register yourself with Docoloc, this would only get you into demo mode.
  2. Please request an account via the BOKU-IT Hotline, only this way your account is licensed for all possibilities.
  3. Once the account is created for you, you will be sent a temporary password with the subject: "Docol©c Passwort angefordert".
  4. As ID (login name) always your default email address is used (usually ), not your BOKU login name.
  5. Password:
    • Since this is not a BOKU-IT server. DO NOT use your BOKU password.
    • If you forgot your Docoloc password, you can request a new password at any time via the following page: 

Step 2: Perform plagiarism checks with Docoloc


Detailed information can be found on the manufacturer's help page:

Access to the Docoloc service