3D Print Service
3D-Print Service
To issue a 3D print we require the following:
- 3D model in STL format
- desired bounding box dimensions
- selected material/color
- layer thickness: from 0.3mm (draft) to 0.05mm (ultra-detail) in 0.05mm steps
- infill factor: 0% (shell only) to 70% (almost fully solid)
We will pre-calculate the expected printing cost and get back to you before starting the 3D print. The production time depends on the complexity of the object and general printer capacity. In general a production time of one week should be expected. Please note that our services are limited to students and employees/institutes of BOKU. Contact: mm-support(at)boku.ac.at
Cooperation with the Institute for Chemical and Energy Engineering (IVET)
The Institute for Chemical and Energy Engineering (IVET) located in the Schwackhöferhaus is using Polyjet technology for 3D printing. This process uses up to four different materials/colors that get deposited as droplets with 600DPI layer upon layer to form a 3D object. UV light is used to cure the material. This allows creating 3D prints with very fine details, full palette colors (even transparent areas), support material and special material properties (eg. flexible material). The cost is slightly higher compared to FDM 3D prints. Details on the website of IVET