Opening Event of the CD Lab
Official Opening event of CD Laboratory, March 7, 2024, BOKU University Vienna

v.l.n.r. Gerald Striedner,Head Institute of Bioprocess Sience and Engineering, Diethard Mattanovich, Head Department of Biotechnology,Francesc Godia, Guest Speaker, Astrid Dürauer, Head CD Laboratory, Till Wenger, Company Representative Boehringer Ingelheim, Christian Obinger, Vizerector Research & Innovation BOKU University, Martin Gerzabek, President of Christian Doppler Research Association

v.l.n.r. Reingard Grabherr, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Francois Du Plessis, Robin Nilsson, Udo Maier, Astrid Dürauer, Alexander Brix, Bernd Rehberger, Jan Schöning, Director Viral Therapeutics Center Boehringer-Ingelheim, Nicole Borth, Institute of Animal Cell Technology and Systems Biology Till Wenger, Company Representative Boehringer Ingelheim

v.l.n.r. Sabrina LEIGHEB,PhD candidate Offline Analytics, Georg SMESNIK, PhD candidate Genomic scale analysis,Maria TOTH, PhD candidate Stable Cell Lines, Marla RAHIMZADEH, PostDoc Downstream Processing & Analytics, Nikolaus VIRGOLINI, PostDoc Upstream Processing & Bioinformatics, Alessandra VERNASCA, Master student, Aida TLEUOVA, Technician, Martina WINTER, PhD candidate Process Modelling and Monitoring Downstream, Mahbod MOUSAVIAN, Technician