Food Physics

Food quality from a physical point of view

Physical properties of foods are often based on complex criteria and are highly relevant for estimating food quality. These can be influenced by preparation and/or food processing and become evident upon consumption. The research group of Food Physics is engaged in an international and multidisciplinary network and closely cooperates with other working groups of the Department (Food Technology, Food Physics) to study diverse physical aspects of food quality.

The research activities range from objective measurements of relevant functional, technological and sensory attributes of liquid and solid products (e.g., flow and fracture behavior, visco-elasticity, sound emission, adhesion, macro-structure, color, surface tension, density, etc.) up to the optimization of processes and products, systematically applying statistical methods of experimental design and modelling. The main focus relies on plant products.


Dr. Denisse Bender, MSc.

Muthgasse 18
A-1190 Vienna, Austria

Phone: (+43 1) 47654-75437



Phone: (+43 1) 47654-75000
