Annual Retreat 2024

Annual Retreat 2023

Annual Retreat 2022

BioMatInt on the BOKU Instagram Channel
From Wednesday to Friday (June 29 - July 1, 2022), PhD candidates of the BOKU Doctoral School Biomaterials and Biointerfaces took over the BOKU Instagram channel and gave an insight into their exciting research projects:

Annual Retreat 2021
The first BioMatInt Annual Retreat was held from 20.-21.09.2021 in Hotel Richard Löwenherz, Dürnstein, Lower Austria.
During the retreat, all doctoral candidates gave oral presentations highlighting the progress in their research projects. Beside the discussions about the ongoing doctoral projects, a major focus was on planned further developments and joint project applications of the Doctoral School.
As socical activity a hiking trip to the ruin Dürnstein followed by a visit to a “Heurigen” was organized.

Hiking Trip June 2021