Conferences & Workshops
(Highlighted are BioMatInt doctoral candidates and BioMatInt faculty members)
Weinberger, M., Rumancev, C.; Rosenhahn, A.; Schillaci, L.; Lang, I.; Bretschneider, T.; Lichtenegger H. (2024) "How mosses cope with heavy-metal stress: Applying SR-micro-XRF to moss samples to determine and quantify heavy-metal distribution" (Talk) [4th International Plant Spectroscopy Conference, Sept. 24-27, 2024, BOKU University, Vienna, Austria]
Warne, C. M., McElroy, R., Guebitz, G. M., Pellis, A. (2024) "Greening Polyester Synthesis: Enzymatic Polycondensations in Novel Bio-based Solvents" (Talk) [10th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Oct 18-22, 2024, Beijing, China]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M., (2024) “Biotechnological upcycling of blended textile waste” (talk), [11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste management, June 19-22, Rhodes, Greece]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M., (2024) “Biotechnological production of valuable monomers and biopolymers from textile waste blends” (flash poster presentation), [European congress on biotechnology, June 30 – July 03, Rotterdam, the Netherlands]
Peter, K., Naghilou, A., Stadlmayr, S., Ploszczanski, L., Liu, J., Sztucki, M., Burghammer, M., Riekel, C., Kalbfleisch, S., Sinn, G., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H. (2024) Exploring Spider Silk: X-ray Nanobeam Investigation for Medical Advancements (Lecture) [The 12th European NESY Winterschool & Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, February 25th – March 1st, Bad Aussee, Austria]
Peter, K., Naghilou, A., Stadlmayr, S., Ploszczanski, L., Liu, J., Sztucki, M., Burghammer, M., Riekel, C., Kalbfleisch, S., Sinn, G., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H. (2024) Exploring Spider Silk: X-ray Nanobeam Investigation for Medical Advancements (Lecture) [7th International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science-Bioinspired Materials 2024, March 18-20, Löwenstein, Deutschland]
Chizzola, G., Reimhult, E. (2023) "Designing nanoparticles and responsive polymers for magnetically triggered drug delivery" (poster), [NANOCON: 15th international conference on nanomaterials - research and application, Oct 18-20, Brno, Czech Republic]
Ploszczanski, L. (2023) Optimizing Ultrasound Dispersion for (not only) Spider Silk in Distilled Water: A Comparative Study of Bombyx Mori and Trichonephila Tubuliformis and Major Ampullate Gland Silk. [Erwin Schrödinger Symposium Dornbrin, Oct 9-11, Dornbirn, Austria]
Beitl, K., Reimhult, E. (2023) “Mutanofactin affects interactions between S. mutans and mucin-coated surfaces” (poster) [1st International STIMULUS conference, Sep 28-29, Darmstadt, Germany]
Chizzola, G., Reimhult, E. (2023) "Designing nanoparticles and responsive polymers for magnetically triggered drug delivery" (poster), [1st International STIMULUS conference, Sep 28-29, Darmstadt, Germany]
Sathish, B., Oostrum, P. V., Subbaidosh, G., Reimhult, E. (2023) Characterization of bacteria and biofilms by digital phase-contrast holography. [1st International STIMULUS conference, Sep 28-29, Darmstadt, Germany]
Garcia-Aponte, O. F, Serra, M., Egger, D., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Kasper, C (2023) Dynamic Culturing of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Encapsulated in Different Configurations of Methylcellulose/GelMA Microgels. [Poster] [15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “Life Sciences and cutting-edge technologies”, Sep 19.-21, Salzburg, Austria]
Stöckelmaier, J. (2023): Joining GROMOS and MDAnalysis - Investigating solvent dynamics inside the active site [15th ÖGMBT Annual meeting, Sep 19.-21, Salzburg, Austria]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2023) 3D Cultivation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells within Alginate Core-Shell Capsules (Poster Flashtalk) [15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, “Life Sciences and cutting-edge technologies”, Sep 19-21, Salzburg, Austria]
Nikolits, I., Liebner, F., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Kasper, C. (2023) Effects of different in vitro cultivation conditions on human mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in TEMPO-oxidized nanofibrillated cellulose hydrogels. [Talk] [15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “Life Sciences and cutting-edge technologies”, Sep 19-21, Salzburg, Austria]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2023) 3D Cultivation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells within Alginate Core-Shell Capsules (Poster Flashtalk) [15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, “Life Sciences and cutting-edge technologies”, Sep 19-21, Salzburg]
Moldaschl, J., Egger, D., Wukovits, T., Dietrich, W., Hiden, U., Toegel, S., Chiari, C., Kameneva, P., Kasper, C. (2023) 3D Multilineage Differentiation Model of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells under Physiological Conditions. [Talk] [ÖGMBT Tagung 2023, Sep 19-21, Salzburg, Austria]
Ploszczanski, L. (2023) Why do Schwanncells like Spidersilk? [Opening Symposium Core Facility for Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Charité. Sep 15, Berlin, Germany]
Warne C.M., Komarova A., Luterbacher J., Guebitz, G.M., Pellis, A., (2023) Greener Enzymatic Synthesis of Bio-Based Polyesters in Xylose-derived Solvents (Talk) [European Symposium on Biopolymer, Sep 13-15, Brno, Czech Republic]
Siracusa, C., Quartinello, F., Soccio, M., Lotti, N., Guebitz, Georg M., Pellis, A. (2023) Enzyme Based Hydrolysis for Specific Recovery of Novel Poly(lacticacid)-poly(1,5-pentanediol 2,5-furanoate) Blends Building Blocks [11th European Symposium on Biopolymers, Sep 13-15, Brno, Czech Republich]
Stöckelmaier, J. (2023): Benchmarking GROMOS md++ [BIOMOS symposium on biomolecular simulation, Sep 5-7, Mutters, Austria]
Grundschober, N. (2023) The dance of buffer molecules: Free energy calculations of amino acids in different environments [BIOMOS symposium on biomolecular simulation, Sep 5-7, Mutters, Austria]
Crha, R. (2023) Training of ML potentials: From system specific models to general ones
30th international [BIOMOS symposium on biomolecular simulation, Sep 5-7, Mutters, Austria]
Osondu-Chuka, G. O., Schandl, S., Guillaume, O., Reimhult, E. (2023) 3D Cystic fibrosis biofilm model mimicking in vivo chronic infections for high-throughput study of antibiotic interactions, [Hands-on workshop on Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance phenotypes and whole genome sequence resistome analysis, Sep 4-8, Palma, Spain]
Peter, K., Stadlmayr, S., Naghilou, A., Ploszczanski, L., Liu, J., Burghammer, M., Riekel, C., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H. (2023) Nanobeam X-ray diffraction on various Spider Silk Fibers (Poster) [RÅC International Summer School 2023, Aug 20-27, Lüneburg]
Chizzola, G. (2023) "Nanoparticles and polymers for magnetically triggered drug delivery" (presentation), [BioNano Summer School, Aug 6-13, Hirschegg, Austria]
Osondu-Chuka, G. O., Schandl, S., Guillaume, O., Reimhult, E. (2023) 3D Cystic fibrosis biofilm model mimicking in vivo chronic infections for high-throughput study of antibiotic interactions, [BioNano Summer School, Aug 7-14, Hirschegg, Austria]
Sathish, B. (2023) Studying bacteria-wound dressing interactions with holographic imaging and cytometry [BioNano Summer School, Aug 7-14, Hirschegg, Austria]
Koreshkov, M. (2023) "Innovative filler nanomaterials based on bacterial cellulose and biodegradable polymers" [BioNano Summer School, Aug 7-14, Hirschegg, Austria]
Kozelekova, A., Ilkovicova, L., Crha, R., Hofrova, A., Hritz, J.(2023) 14-3-3 dimer vs monomer - (dis)similarities in Tau proteinbindingEUR BIOPHYS J BIOPHY. 2023; 52(SUPPL 1): S89-S89. [14th EBSA Conference, Jul 31 – Aug 4, Stockholm, Sweden]
Grundschober, N. (2023) Probing limitations of free-energy calculations based on molecular dynamics simulations [EBSA, July 31 - Aug 4, Stockholm, Sweden]
Osondu-Chuka, G. O., Schandl, S., Guillaume, O., Reimhult, E. (2023) 3D Cystic fibrosis biofilm model mimicking in vivo chronic infections for high-throughput study of antibiotic interactions, [ASM MICROBE 2023, Jun 15-19, Houston, Texas]
Peter, K., Ploszczanski, L., Naghilou, A., Stadlmayr, S., Rennhofer, H., Sinn, G., Liu, J., Burghammer, M., Riekel, C., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H. (2023) Investigations on ultrastructural properties of different types of spider silk by using nanobeam X-ray diffraction (Talk) [6th International Conference on Natural Fibers, June 19-22, Funchal]
Stöckelmaier, J. (2023): Conformational Dependence of Chemical Shifts in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins [BioToP Conference 2023, Jun 19-20, Vienna, Austria]
Mihalyi, S., Tagliavento, M., Boschmeier, E., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2023) Biotechnological recycling and upcycling of blended textile waste (talk) [19th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, May 31-Jun 02, Riga, Latvia]
Warne C.M., Komarova A., Luterbacher J., Guebitz, G.M., Pellis, A., (2023) Solvents for Greener Synthesis: Enzymatic Polycondensations in Xylose-derived Media (Poster) [Frontiers in Polymer Science, 29 May-Jun 1 , Gothenburg, Sweden]
Mihalyi, S., Tagliavento, M., Boschmeier, E., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2023) Textile waste blend recycling by simultaneous recovery of pure synthetic fibers and production of valuable lactic acid (Poster) [4th international conference on Bio-based and Biodegradable textiles and plastics, Apr 20-21, Gent, Belgium]
Nikolits, I., Radwan, S., Liebner, F., Dietrich, W., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C.(2023) Hydrogels from TEMPO-Oxidized Nanofibrillated Cellulose Support In Vitro Cultivation of Encapsulated Human MSCs. [Poster] [3D Cell Culture Conference-DECHEMA, Apr 17-19, Freiburg, Germany]
Moldaschl, J., Egger, D., Wukovits, T., Dietrich, W., Hiden, U., Toegel, S., Chiari, C., Kameneva, P., Kasper, C. (2023) 3D Multilineage Differentiation Model of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells under Physiological Conditions. [Poster] [3D Cell Culture (Oxford Global), Apr 17-18, London, UK]
Moldaschl, J., Egger, D., Wukovits, T., Dietrich, W., Hiden, U., Toegel, S., Chiari, C., Kameneva, P., Kasper, C (2023): 3D Multilineage Differentiation Model of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells under Physiological Conditions. [Poster] [ÖGMBT Working Group Cell Based Assays, Therapies and Product Workshop „Advanced Cell Culture Technologies”, Mar 17, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU, Vienna, Austria]
Garcia-Aponte, O. F., Bavcic, A., Egger, D., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Kasper, C (2023) Development of a High Throughput Methylcellulose/GelMA Fluidics-Based Encapsulation Method for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culturing. [Poster] [3D Cell Culture Conference-DECHEMA, Apr 17-19, Freiburg, Germany]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2023) Alginate core-shell capsules for 3D cultivation of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (Poster Flashtalk) [3D Cell Culture 2023: Models, Applications & Translation, Apr 17-19,, Freiburg]
Garcia-Aponte, O. F., Bavcic, A., Egger, D., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Kasper, C (2023) Development of a High Throughput Methylcellulose/GelMA Fluidics-Based Encapsulation Method for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culturing. [Poster] [Workshop „Advanced Cell Culture Technologies”, Mar 17, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria]
Nikolits, I., Radwan, S., Liebner, F., Dietrich, W., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2023) Hydrogels from TEMPO-Oxidized Nanofibrillated Cellulose Support In Vitro Cultivation of Encapsulated Human MSCs. [Poster] ÖGMBT Workshop "Advanced Cell Culture Technologies", Mar 17, Vienna, Austria]
Ploszczanski, L. (2023) Why do Schwanncells like Spidersilk? [13th ASEM Workshop, Apr 13-14, Vienna, Austria]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2023) 3D cultivation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells within alginate core–shell capsules (Talk) [ÖGMBT Workshop „Advanced Cell Culture Technologies”, Mar 17, 2023, Vienna]
Ploszczanski, L. (2023) Why do Schwanncells like Spidersilk? [Microscopy Conference, Feb 26 - Mar 2, Darmstadt, Germany]
Chizzola, G. (2023) "Magnetically triggered release from vesicles: Progress on SPION synthesis and working towards polymersomes in Siegen" (presentation) [STIMULUS mini-symposium, Feb 10, Siegen, Germany]
Osondu-Chuka, G. O., Schandl, S., Guillaume, O., Reimhult, E. (2022) P. aeruginosa grown in printable cystic fibrosis model biofilms suitable for high-throughput screening of antibiotics interactions, [international conference for young scientists 2022 - Hot Topics in Microbiology (HT Micro), Dec 7-12, Bratislava, Slovakia]
Stöckelmaier, J. (2022): Intrinsic Disorder in Proteins. [AlgoSB winter school Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC) , Nov 20-25, Cargèse, France]
Warne, C.M., McElroy, C.R., Guebitz, G.M., Pellis, A., (2022) Enzymatic Polycondensations in Novel Bio-based Solvents for Greener Synthesis (Poster) [European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology, Nov 14-16, Graz, Austria]
Siracusa C., Quartinello F., Pellis A., Guebitz G.M. (2022) Recovery of highly pure monomer through enzymatic hydrolysis of polyesters (Poster) [European Summit of Indutrial Biotechnology, Nov 14-16, Graz, Austria]
Mihalyi, S., Tagliavento, M., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M., (2022) Biotechnological recycling of textile waste blends by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (Poster) [European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology, Nov 14-16, Graz, Austria]
Osondu-Chuka, G. O., Schandl, S., Guillaume, O., Reimhult, E. (2022) P. aeruginosa grown in printable cystic fibrosis model biofilms suitable for high-throughput screening of antibiotics interactions, [ESCMID/ASM Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance, Oct 4 – 7, Dublin, Ireland]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2022) Simultaneous recovery of pure polyester and production of valuable lactic acid from blended textile waste (talk) [DocDay Oct 05.-06., IFA Tulln, Austria]
Stöckelmaier, J. (2022): Methodology of Combining Experiments and Simulations. [Biomaterials and Biointerfaces (BioMatInt) - Annual Retreat 2022 , Sep 26-27, Illmitz, Austria]
Peter, K., Ploszczanski, L., Naghilou, A., Stadlmayr, S., Rennhofer, H., Liu, J., Burghammer, M., Riekel, C., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H. (2022) Using ESRF "nano-beam" for Investigating Spider Silks Ultrastructure (Talk) [71st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society ÖPG, September 26-30, Leoben]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2022) Alginate core-shell capsules for 3D cultivation of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (Talk) [14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, "Life Sciences - Now More Than Ever", Sep 19-22, 2022, Vienna]
Moldaschl, J., Dossi, M., Toegel, S., Chiari, C., Cezanne, M., Stoegner, A., Kameneva, P., Lavrentieva, A., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2022): Multilineage Differentiation of Primary Bone Marrow-Derived Juvenile Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 3D under Normoxic and Physioxic Conditions. [Talk] [ÖGMBT Tagung 2022, Sep 21, Vienna, Austria]
Garcia-Aponte, O.F., Egger, D., Chariyev-Prinz, F., Kasper, C (2022) Manufacturing of Tunable GelMA-Based Microspheres for Mesenchymal Stem Cells Culturing in a Controlled 3D Microenvironment. [Poster] [14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, Sep 19-22, Vienna, Austria]
Nikolits, I., Radwan, S., Liebner, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2022) Cellulose-Based Hydrogel Scaffolds For In Vitro 3D Culture of Human MSCs. [Poster] [14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting, Sep 19-22, Vienna, Austria]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2022) Recycling of cellulases in a circular economy approach for textile waste (talk) [61st Dornbirn-Global Fiber Congress (GFC), Sep 14-16, Dornbirn, Austria]
Nikolits, I., Radwan, S., Liebner, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2022) Cellulose-Based Hydrogel Scaffolds For In Vitro 3D Culture of Human MSCs. [Poster] [32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Sep 04-08, Bordeaux, France]
Warne, C.M., Fadlallah, S., Allais, F., Guebitz, G.M., Pellis, A., (2022) Greener Enzymatic Synthesis of Levoglucosenone-based Polymers (Talk) [IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Sep 5-9, Athens, Greece]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2022) Dynamic 3D Cultivation of Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells within Alginate Core Shell Capsules (Talk) [32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), Sep 04-08, 2022, Bordeaux]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2022) Membrane separation processes for recycling of cellulase enzymes in depolymerization of textile waste (Poster) [26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2022), Aug 21-25, Prague, Czech Republic]
Siracusa C., Quartinello F., Pellis A., Guebitz G.M. (2022) Study of enzymatic hydrolysis mechanisms of distinct biobased synthetic polyesters (Poster) [26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA), Aug 21-25, Prague, Czech Republic]
Chizzola, G. (2022) "Magnetic nanoparticles to trigger drug release from vesicles" (presentation), [BioNano Summer School, Aug 7-14, Hirschegg, Austria]
Sathish, B. (2022) Studying bacteria-wound dressing interactions with holographic imaging and cytometry. [BioNano Summer School, Aug 7-14, Hirschegg, Austria]
Bretschneider,T., Rauwolf, M. Ingerle, D., Wobrauschek, P., Streli, C. (2022) " Characterization of light element nanolayers by GIXRF in combination with JGIXA software", (Poster)[EXRS 2022: European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry, June 26-July 1, Bruges, Belgium]
Bretschneider, T., Zechmann, N., Rennhofer, H., Sommer, N.G., Schwarze, U.Y., Weinberg, A.M., Lichtenegger, H. (2022) "Nanostructural changes in response to monotonously degrading Mg implants, investigation of the bone-implant interface by scanning SAXS", (Poster)[EXRS 2022: European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry, June 26-July 1, Bruges, Belgium]
Stöckelmaier, J. (2022): Reweighting of Ensembles - Methods and Progress . [Visit of CEITEC Univ. Brno, Jun 22-25, Brno, Czech Republic]
Nikolits, I., Radwan, S., Liebner, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2022): Cellulose-based Hydrogel Scaffolds for 3D in vitro Cultivation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. [Poster] Advanced Therapies Congress 2022, Jun 24-25, London, UK]
Peter, K, Ploszczanski, L., Naghilou, A., Rennhofer, H., Liu, J.,Burghammer, M, Riekel, C., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H.C.(2022) “Zooming inside spider silk” - Using synchrotron nanoXRD to compare the ultrastructure of spider silks. (Talk) [JUNIOR EUROMAT 2022, Jul 19-22, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal]
Warne, C.M., McElroy, C.R., Guebitz, G.M., Pellis, A., (2022) Greening Polyester Synthesis: Enzymatic Polycondensations in Novel Bio-based Solvents (Poster) [Polymers 2022, May 25-27, Turin, Italy]
Siracusa C., Quartinello F., Pellis A., Guebitz G.M. (2022) Comparison of Enzymatic Hydrolyti mechanisms on different Bio-based plastics (Poster) [Polymers 2022, May 25-27, Turin, Italy]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2022) A circular economy approach: efficient cellulases recovery in enzymatic polymer separation (Poster) [Polymers 2022, May 25-27, Turin, Italy]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2022) 3D Cultivation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Talk) [Advanced Therapies London, May 23-25, 2022, London]
Mihalyi, S., Quartinello, F., Guebitz, G.M. (2022) Recovery of cellulases for circular application in textile waste recycling (Poster) [Sixth symposium on circular economy and urban mining (SUM2022), May 18-20, Capri, Italy]
Siracusa C., Quartinello F., Pellis A., Guebitz G.M. (2022) Study of polyester specific hydrolysis performed by two different cutinases (Poster) [SUM SIXTH SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND URBAN MINING 2022, May 18-20, Capri, Italy]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2022) Alginate Core-Shell Capsules for 3D Cultivation of Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Poster) [Advanced Therapies London, May 23-25, 2022, London]
Nebel, S., Lux, M., Kuth, S., Bider, F., Dietrich, W.; Egger, D., Boccaccini, A.R., Kasper, C. (2022) Alginate Core-Shell Capsules for 3D Cultivation of Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Poster) [SY-Stem Symposium on Stem Cell Research, Mar 23-25, 2022, Vienna]
Nikolits, I., Radwan, S., Liebner, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2022) Cellulose-based Hydrogel Scaffolds for 3D in vitro Cultivation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. [Poster] [SY-Stem Symposium 2022, Mar 23-25, Vienna, Austria]
Nikolits, I., Liebner, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2021) Cellulose-based Hydrogel Scaffolds for 3D in vitro Cultivation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Poster) [9th GSCN Conference, Oct 6-8, 2021, Dresden, Germany]
Nebel, S., Almeria, C., Nikolits, I., Kreß, S., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2021) Non-invasive online monitoring of stem cell aggregate cultivation in a stirred tank bioreactor (Poster) [12th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting - Life Science Tuesday, Sep 21-23, 2020, virtual]
Peter, K., Ploszczansk, L., Naghilou, A., Rennhofer, H.,Liu, J., Burghammer, M., Riekel, C., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger, H.C. (2021) Using synchrotron X-ray scattering to compare the ultrastructure of differently sterilized spider silks (Poster) [EUROMAT 2021, September 13-17, 2021, virtual]
Nikolits, I., Liebner, F., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2021) Cellulose-based Hydrogel Scaffolds for 3D in vitro Cultivation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Poster) [Euromat, Sept 12-16, 2021, virtual]
Ploszczanski, L., Peter, K., Sinn, G., Naghilou, A., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger H. (2021) Why do Schwann cells like spider silk? Exploring the structural, mechanical, morphological, and chemical reasons for the acceptance of spider silk by Schwann cells. (Poster) [Euromat Graz, Sept 12-16, 2021, virtual]
Nebel, S., Bider, F., Kreß, S., Egger, D., Boccaccini, A., Kasper, C. (2021) Advanced hydrogel-formulations for the 3D to 3D isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue (Poster) [Euromat, Sep 12-16, 2021, virtual]
Warne, C.M., McElroy, C.R., Fadlallah, S., Allais, F., Guebitz, G.M., Pellis, A. (2021) New Bio-based Solvents for Enzymatic Polycondensations (Poster) [Designer Biology, 8-10 September 2021, virtual]
Nagl, M., Haske-Cornelius, O., Skopek, L., Pellis, A., Bauer, W., Nyanhongo, G. S., Guebitz, G. M. (2021) The role of endoglucanases in pulp refining. (Poster) [Designer Biology, 8-10 September 2021, virtual]
Nebel, S., Almeria, C., Nikolits, I., Kreß, S., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2021) Liquid core encapsulation of mesenchymal stem cells for dynamic cultivation settings (Poster) [GSCN Conference Dresden, Sep 6-8, 2021, Dresden, Germany]
Ploszczanski, L., Peter, K., Sinn, G., Naghilou, A., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger H. (2021) Why do Schwann cells like spider silk? Exploring the structural, mechanical, morphological, and chemical reasons for the acceptance of spider silk by Schwann cells. (Poster) [MC, Aug 22-26, 2021, virtual]
Zhang, L., Ma, S., Ludwig, R. (2021) Direct electrochemistry of enzymes via cytochrome domains (Poster). [Biotrans, July 19-22, 2021, Virtual]
Nagl, M., Haske-Cornelius, O., Skopek, L., Hartmann, A., Brunner, F., Pellis, A., Bauer, W., Nyanhongo, G. S., Guebitz, G. M. (2021) Enzymes for pulp refining – How do they work? (Poster) [EFB, 10-14 May 2021, Virtual]
Chang H., Wohlschlager L., Csarman F., Ruff A., Schuhmann W., Ludwig R. (2021) Real-time Determination of Cellobiose and Glucose Formation during Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulose (Oral talk) [XXVIth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, May 9 - 13, 2021, virtual]
Nebel, S., Almeria, C., Nikolits, I., Kreß, S., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2021) Non-invasive online monitoring of stem cell aggregate cultivation in a stirred tank bioreactor (Poster) [DECHEMA 3D Cell Culture, May 5-7, 2021, virtual]
Bretschneider, T., Zechmann, N., Rennhofer, H., Sommer, N.G., Schwarze, U.Y., Weinberg, A.M., Lichtenegger, H. (2021) "Nanostructural changes in response to monotonously degrading Mg implants, investigation of the bone-implant interface by scanning SAXS", (Poster)[BioMAT 2021: 6th European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas, May 5-6, web conference]
Ploszczanski, L., Peter, K., Sinn, G., Naghilou, A., Radtke, C., Lichtenegger H. (2021) Why do Schwann cells like spider silk? Exploring the structural, mechanical, morphological, and chemical reasons for the acceptance of spider silk by Schwann cells. (Poster) [BioMat, May 5-6, 2021, virtual]
Nebel, S., Almeria, C., Nikolits, I., Kreß, S., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2021) Non-invasive online monitoring of stem cell aggregate cultivation in a stirred tank bioreactor (Poster) [SY-Stem Symposium on Stem Cell Research, March 3-5, 2021, virtual]
Nebel, S., Almeria, C., Kreß, S., Egger, D., Kasper, C. (2020) Non-invasive online monitoring of stem cell aggregate cultivation in a stirred tank bioreactor (Poster) [GSCN - German Stem Cell Network Conference, Sep 23-25, 2020, virtual]
Chang H., Scheiblbrandnera S., Wohlschlager L., Botz A., Ruff A., Ludwig R. (2019) Fabrication of miniaturized pH sensor and enzyme-based biosensors for metabolism study of fungal wood decay (Poster) [SECM-10 Workshop, September 29 - October 3, 2019, Paris - Fontainebleau, France]