Profs4Technology: open energy transition

Profs4Technology: open energy transition

eFuels as part of the energy transition

10:30 ‐ 13:00

  • Informationsveranstaltung


eFuels as part of the energy transition: eFuels, also known as SynFuels, are synthetic fuels produced from water and carbon dioxide using electricity. They can be used as a direct replacement for fossil fuels in existing engines and power units and help to accelerate defossilisation. 

Objective and benefits: The main objective is to make eFuels available in Austria as quickly as possible and to involve Austrian companies in the process. eFuels offer a clean alternative to fossil fuels, are safer than batteries, offer security of supply and can contribute to economic independence

Scientific perspectives: Experts from various fields present their views on eFuels:

  • Prof. Schreiner emphasises the importance of eFuels as storage for the winter and their role in Europe's energy future.
  • Prof. Ehmoser explains that eFuels mimic the energy cycle of plants and are produced from sunlight and CO2.
  • Prof. Brasseur explains the potential of eFuels for energy imports in an overall strategy for Europe
  • Prof. Grabner emphasises the importance of a rational marketing of eFuels, as they are currently cost-intensive, but in the long term will be cost-effective and competitive with fossil fuels.
  • Prof. Kautek discusses the need for storage for electrical energy and the role of eFuels as seasonal storage.
  • Prof. Pichler emphasises that eFuels can use existing infrastructure and serve as a game changer for an energy-turned-future.

Sustainability and the circular economy: eFuels are an example of the circular economy in action, as they are CO2 neutral and can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Use in aviation: Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), which are obtained from renewable raw materials and blended with fossil fuels, are already being used in aviation. This reduces soot particle emissions and is a step towards net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. There are therefore already good examples and pioneers in the use of e-fuels, including in extremely safety-conscious industries.

Conclusion: e-fuels are a feasible and effective solution for the energy transition that utilises existing infrastructures and is CO2-neutral. They offer an ideal way to secure the energy supply in wintertime and are an important building block for a sustainable future.

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Otto-Mauer Zentrum, Währingerstraße 4, 1090 Wien
Österreichische Erwin Schrödinger Gesellschaft für Nanowissenschaften
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Language: German
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Entrance fee: No